Vinnie Vincent

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Does anybody else find it strange that Kiss say so many harsh words about Vinnie on Kiss X-Treme, which was the video accompanying Revenge, when Vinnie helped Kiss with the writing of that album???

By the way, Vinnie rocks, and his solos on Lick It Up RULE, and I love the sound he brought to Creatures/Lick It Up... and his VVI albums are awesome except the solos on the first one have nothing to do with the music behind them haha.
Yep Dana Strum plays bass on both and Mark Slaughter sings on the 2nd one haha. Slaughter formed from kicking out Vinnie Vincent from his own band! Hahaha! And the drummer Bobby Rock left to join the glorious NITRO!

:lol: :lol:

Slaughter rule, I've been listening to Stick It To Ya and The Wild Life heaps! The Wild Life is much better in my opinion.

The 2nd VVI album basically sounds like Slaughter, but a bit glammier and more straight out rockin, rather than having lots of different sounding tracks like Slaughter albums.
Sorry, any band with Dana Strum in it has to suck, just for ethical reasons if any other!

The man is a boil on the arse of humanity. :)
So the story goes, Vinnie bumped into Gene at an album launch for a band he was producing, and publicly apologised for his behaviour while he was in KISS. Vinnie was bankrupt at the time, so that might have had something to do with it!

Anyway, they started writing again and apparently put their differences behind them. Vinnie even turned up to the studio with cookies he'd baked for Gene :lol:.

For whatever reason it all went sour and Vinnie started bringing in lawsuits left, right and centre. There were interviews floating around a few years later where he talked about the vibe of the Revenge sessions and made all sorts of ridiculous claims like "I know the real reason for Eric Carr's death." Whatever problems he might have had working with Gene & Paul, to say something like that is just wrong IMHO.

G & P have their version of events and Vinnie has his. The truth is probably somewhere in between, but it's buried under years of resentment, egos and bullshit. Either way, the guy wrote some great songs and it's a pity he never made the most of his talent.

Check out the Album Focus (specifically the articles about Vinnie, Lick it Up and Revenge) over at . These give you all the details you're ever likely to get.

Ohhhhh that explains alot then hehe.

Yeah it was actually the Revenge album focus at Kiss Asylum where I read about Vinnie doing sessions for Revenge.

I think Vinnie's talent came out really well on his VVI albums, except that somebody needed to hold him back in his main guitar solos in the songs haha.

By the way... how much does he rock up the solo to Calling Dr. Love at the Rio de Janero show on the Creatures tour!!!!!!! (I've only seen it on Kiss X-Treme but its brilliant!)
"This is a guy who would hang himself just as you were giving him the keys to the magic kingdom". Gene Simmons on Vinnie Vincent.

I love that quote! (Unless he said it about someone else and I screwed up.....?)
Hahaha yep that was the one...

"About the most self destructive individual I've ever come across, I mean this guy would hang himself as you're handing him the keys to the kingdom." Hahaha... dontcha love Gene and Paul's quotes, they rule haha.

Paul had a pre-occupation with using "rollercoasters" in his analogies on that video I think.