

New Metal Member
Jan 31, 2006
Hello Dan
back in 1995 till 1996 you particepated in the production of a black metal masterpeice called "Wellcome my last chapter" to a band called Vinterland sadly the band split up after the release of the CD
what i want to know is there a way to conntact any of the guys of Vinterland a phone number P.O box an e-mail or anything as i'm doing a research on Depressive black metal since they were one of the progenerators of that subgener.
Yeah does anyone know what happened to the members of Vinterland?
Welcome My Last Chapter was an excellent album. I especially like "Vinterskogen".
I have that bearly in mind. I know it was the long gone German fanzine Circle of Tyrants where Vinterland was featured...I am not sure about the exact words, so I won't claim anything here...but I can say that it was unmistakably some racist remark, which is unacceptable to me, as frequently as it may occur in extreme metal - be it provocation or serious opinion...
I would be interested in knowing a little more about the fate of Vinterland. Welcome My Last Chapter was a skillfully composed album, right down to the art.