Vintersorg, Lazare, and other vocalists

Hard to give any advice...just practise and try to find tour own may take some time I guess, in the beginingv I was ruining my voice doing it, now it works fine!

mr V
Yes... since I've recently taken up vocals with my band Aegrimonia (see signature) the best advice I can loan you is just to practice hard and find your own style... like Mr. V said. I'm more concerned about finding a way to get good guitar practice in a metal band since I'm doing bass now.. and plus I suck at playing guitar and doing vocals at the same time.. hooray for multi-track recording devices (I am a cheap, cheap man).
When I scream I don't really scream with my voice. Its more of a really loud and grim whisper, if you know what I mean... I force air through a clenged throat and I guess it helps to not be totally dry... With this teqnuice (?) I produce a high, grim rasp. I don't have a lot of power in the lower regions, even though I have a naturally deep voice. (A bit weird)
hmm, this is an interesting topic. for me, i try all different types of grim sounds in the shower. i find that smaller space gives it a better sound. so first try doing it somewhere comfortable and easy

i dont know about technique though, i started trying to croak like Abbath a couple of months ago and i've gotten it to sound pretty good. the Vintersorg/Shagrath/Galder style of grim is a lot tougher though. it's hard to scream loudly when you do it (for me anyway, i'm only 15, small lungs) so try it softer at first and see what sound you want to go with. try to imitate your favorite vocalists, it wont sound exact but it'll give you a start to see with what you can do. so practice in the shower with your favorite verses every day, after a few weeks you should be able to do it louder and with more variation/tone. i dont know how long it takes to be able to sing loudly like that, or perfect it to sound like something production-worthy, but keep at it and you'll find it fun and easy

i'm new by the way, hails. :headbang:
Anyone wanna check out my vocals on these two songs here?

The first one is kinda death and the other more black. I'm not satisfied myself, but at this point i can't do much better...

Any opinions would be appriciated.
odd thought: chocolate gives you a pretty interesting voice. don't ask why.
Thats one of the funniest quotes ever :)

I did grim vocals (very bad grim vocals) for a band for a while. Then again there arent many women who can pull off grim vocals. It didn't make much of a difference though because our songs sucked as much as my vocals did. Things for that band changed after over half the band (including myself) left and my boyfriend (who could actually write music)took over vocals. he learned by playing music and singing with it, just to get used to screaming over long periods of time, then worked on his technique. he also drinks a lot of water. His voice reminds me of the singer of Goatwhore.
yeah try drinking something before you trying growling/screeching- a sweet drink works better for me, like juice or whatever

i'm a beginner at this too, so i'm just telling you what helped me - don't screech from the middle/bottom part of your throat cos that will mess it up and it'll just hurt a lot. (also cos it's the part of your throat that you normally use when you're talking) ...instead try screeching from the top part of your throat (the back of your mouth)

once you practice a bit, you'll figure out a grim style that you prefer, then work on it! :) me, i prefer a screechy sound but with a little bit of throaty/growly sounds in it. my voice is shot now from practicing all day hehe

p.s. kinda hard for me too cos i'm not a guy, so i can't do the growly part as easily... :(
Seething the inner self is the language of vocalling well I believe, conceptual or dirivatory, personal or persistant... its all the inner workings of meaning through artistry or realism that tend to bring out the best through the simplest of measures might be a plateau to where complexity are staples.

Epic is becoming A staple here as its entirety has much diversity enthralling everpresenting entirety, KILLER! YA!SKAL(B)