Vintersorg website


Headless Lady
Jan 8, 2004
What has happened with Mr. V website?
It has disappeared.
Is it in the process of re-building/re-designing?
Graveyardwalker said:
What has happened with Mr. V website?
It has disappeared.
Is it in the process of re-building/re-designing?

If I remember right it has something to do with the webmaster and a caraccident some time ago...??
Yeah the site must gonna be updated soon. When Visions came out Inge did this as well, made go to the forum. Hopefully when its back up we will have a Fission sample :Spin:
As expected from a good webmaster, I feel it as a duty to keep a website up-to-date and as appropriate, with every new album, re-build the site.
Since, due to my current job, I was no longer in the possibility to handle this work with devotion, I asked Mr. V to search for a new webmaster a few months before the coming of the latest album TFB. So the Vintersorg site changed webmaster.

As people also have other obligations in life, it took the new webmaster a little longer than expected, but I've heard the new site is finished now and arrangements will be made to bring it to you as soon as possible.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all people who made their contribution to the Vintersorg site over the years, in order to help me build a fine community.

Sincere regards, Inge.

N.B.: That's right, I was in a car accident, which caused the delay of the previous design. But that's quite a long time ago now and I'm stilll alive and kickin'

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