Vintersorg's new album?


May 25, 2005
New Jersey, USA
Does anyone know (and of course Steve, if you can answer that would be the ultimate response) if Steve is going to be playing on the next Vintersorg album? I pray he does, he was so brilliant on the last the two albums.:worship:
Yes, but when - not sure of that. I have most, if not all of the preproduction versions of the album. Last I heard it was called Balancing The Pendulum. I haven't heard from the guys for a while...I've been pretty busy lately, as Mr.V has recorded a few different projects lately as well. But Vintersorg is Mr.V's mind child and when the time is right we'll get all the instruments recorded one way or another. The things I noticed that are a little different from the last album are mainly the arrangements are a little more complex and the music is a bit more furious, but also epic at the same time. Also there are quite a few songs sung in Swedish again. No doubt scientific metal at it's best, once again...!
Oh thank you Steve for telling me all this! I'm SOOO glad you are involved once again! I assume Asgeir is too, which is nothing but fantastic news! I can't wait for this album!
I'm not. The reason is because Vintersorg is going back to their old style (which I don't like). They are using their live drummer now that they're not progressive anymore. I will assume Steve is "dropped" for the same reason. Haven't talked to Mr V for a while but I know they were recording the album a couple of months ago so they're probably done.

- Asgeir
If Steve was indeed "dropped", that sucks. I liked his work on "Visions.." and "The Focusing Blur," as well as your drumming.
asgeir said:
I'm not. The reason is because Vintersorg is going back to their old style (which I don't like). They are using their live drummer now that they're not progressive anymore. I will assume Steve is "dropped" for the same reason. Haven't talked to Mr V for a while but I know they were recording the album a couple of months ago so they're probably done.

- Asgeir

I'm saddened greatly by the fact that you aren't playing on the next album. You were a fantastic asset to Vintersorg :(. But what are you talking about Steve dropping? He just said in the above post that he IS playing on the next album.
Why do i have a feeling that Asgeir is messing with you guys?

Well, it doesn't make sense. Steve fits Vintersorg in all its forms and why would you Asgeir say that he doesn't like the old vintersorg material on a public forum? something is fishy!

I hope so anyways...
Ok. It's kinda like overhearing a fellow employee talking to a vendor or client and hearing your name come up as being "fired" before the boss could tell you in person. So there you are wondering why you have to hear it in front of everyone else before you're told directly first. I guess Asgeir decided to publicly air the news of Vintersorg's up coming album before letting Mr.V tell me or telling me himself...maybe because he feels "dropped"...?
We'll forgive him again...!

But unfortunately (for my creative outlet) he's right about almost all. Mr.V has decided to change things up and keep the live lineup together for the recording. The last two albums he's had a live lineup and a recording lineup separately. So now that he's together and closer to the more steady and local guys, it just makes sense to keep it that way and explore some more new sounds. I totally enjoyed being part of that music for the years that I got to jam with Asgeir, Mattias, Lars and Mr.V. We should all be sure the new songs will be full of the good stuff Vintersorg has always had before. And I've been told that the album is not done, but some recording has been started.

It'll be good trust me. And don't worry, I hope to continue working with Mr.V and Asgeir in times to come. Too much talent and creativity to deny future endeavors with that combination.
The last two albums have definitely been too good...

I guess that's crappy news anyways! I am glad Steve has always got exciting projects going on to compensate for such happenings!

so let me see, Borknagar, Fission and the new Vintersorg all are going to sound alike? what's going on?
No big deal – Mr V knows very well I'm not a fan of folk metal! It's the progressive Vintersorg I like! Mr V is a genius writing that stuff and writing lyrics. As I said in my previous post: "I will assume" Steve is out too – to me the word "assume" is like "guessing"... The pre-prods for the next album sounds great BTW.

- Asgeir (I assume)
Steve: "the arrangements are a little more complex [...] scientific metal at it's best, once again...!"

Asgeir: "Vintersorg is going back to their old style"

Doesn't fit in for me.
asgeir said:
Vintersorg decided to go back to their old style AFTER the pre prod we have.

- Dick

We'll update the .com site any day now..there you'll get the whole picture of this. But as you all probably understand the decision to make an album with the live line-up has nothing to do with A and S..they're masters and we worship their work. And we hope that we can work togehter later on as well.

mr V
well if there is one thing we (well I do) now for sure is that a vintersorg album will never disappoint... so far none of his albums did...
and off course Steve and Asgeir put their mark on the sound,... but in the end its Mr. V who has it in his head...
i do still hope to see them live in the old (featering Steve and Asgeir) line-up... but see Vintersorg live once would do well too...
....i dunno,.i mean not to diss on the local guys but i doubt they can match aesgir or steve digiorgio.i mean,,,hes steve digiorgio lol.
Yea, I agree with rammpeth. Steve and Asgeir are legendary. But we shall see I suppose. I do have a lot of faith and trust in Mr. V in him knowing what he's doing for quality music.
Well considering how I have yet to hear that the Vintersorg live band performs poorly, this shouldn't be a problem.
I already listened vintersorg live. the guys plays really good, but isn't the same than steve and asgeir. it's different but are great musicians too.

I like the old style of vintersorg (the first album i listened was till fjälls en 98') and new too. if mr.v wants to return to the old style , it's ok for me and if not it's ok to me too. i respect and follow the vision of mr.v and all his proyects, he's a genius in the metal scene (something like a fusion between einstein and beethoven).

all my repect and support to vintersorg from the great and mistic forests of Chile, the most extreme land in the world!!!!