I love browsing through the vinyl shops in my area, makes me wish I was around in the pre-digital era...as for actually playing them, I neither own a turntable and I spend way too much on CDs to even think of pursuing a LP collection...
seriously. i used to dick around with my old tube amp all the time when i was eleventeen, and like 2 weeks ago i found out it could've fried me!
apparently the capacitors hold a high electrical charge, and since it's all AC not only does it stay in the amp even when unplugged, but can cause you to involuntarily grip the capacitor and give your heart a nice cooking. fun stuff!
i read a bunch of shit via google about it, interesting stuff. this is for the power amp section by the way, tube preamps don't really use much voltage so i doubt anything would happen there.
either way, i plan on getting an old nasty ampeg svt all tube stack some day, and sure as fuck won't try to repair it myself! or if i do, i'll get a book or take an electronics class or something.