

Oct 13, 2002
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What metal bands use a violin? I just got the urge to hear some heavy stuff along with or interspersed by one or more violins. Preferably with death metal style vocals.

I know, I'm stretching it...but it would be awesome.
extol. id go for the album "undecieved"

and check out apocalyptica. 4 cello metal band. and they are very very good. check out the album "cult"
LuminousAether said:

Don't ever mention Blind Guardian again, please.

I happen to love Blind Gaurdian, be-otch. :p

You might want to check out late Emperor (IX Equilibrium and Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise) and Forest of Shadows. Both those groups use violins.
Chalice are a metal band who used a session violinist in some of their songs I think, but there's no death growls... they also use a flute which is another nonstandard metal instrument. They play beautiful, emotional gothic music with entirely female vocals - check em out at
I thing Therion does! It's hard to tell what's real and what's keyboard in so many bands. Or it's hard for me to tell anyway :)