The Rock/Metal/Alternative VIOLIN thread

Did anyone else here check out 'Hung' in the recommendation of NeO? I'd never heard of them before but damn they're quite good.

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Yeah, I did, and they weren't half bad...

Here's my recent find, Averse:

Just listen to "Thus Grant Matter" for some violin-action, shit's so cash. :'D They sound quite a lot like NeO to me (ok, maybe not really, who cares, just give 'em a listen god dammit!), at least on the "Scolopendrian Perception Haze" EP. Their debut full-lenght should be out some time soon too... Me waitin'. :3
Olafur Arnalds (my favourite composer), his music has quite a rock vibe to it as well. Use of drums and guitar in some of his songs.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor please please PLEASE watch the video. It seems to make the song even better.

Kiss Kiss; they use an electric violin.

Also, EF. Check out Hello Scotland. The song's over 10 minutes long, and I can't find any Youtube vids that aren't cut into parts.
A Forest of Stars aren't bad. I didn't really see them as a NeO clone, but then hey I don't see NeO as an Opeth clone as some reviewers have remarked.
A Forest of Stars did sound a little wonky and demo-ey, but it was interesting stuff. Been a little while though so it's a little hazy. I do recall the way British-accented vocals though.
Here are some recommendations... Lots of PROG!

JEAN-LUC FUCKING PONTY... End of thread, please.
Kayo Dot
Mahavishnu Orchestra
Gentle Giant
Bondage Fruit
Many of VDGG's albums
Arcade Fire
The Decemberists
Secret Chiefs 3
Some of Hawkwind's albums
Amon Duul II
Univers Zero
Devil Doll
Kansas (yep)
East of Eden
A lot of Zappa (with Ponty)
Thy Catafalque (avant-metal)

Enjoy! all post-rock. :P
Thanks for posting those, I didn't realise King Crimson had a violinist. That's another one of about zillion bands on my 'I need to check out that band more one day when I get around to it' list. Same with SC3 actually.

Now that was pretty good.

Yeah he's not bad eh? I chuckled a bit when he started to tango around the guitarists. I thought his solo album was quite good, although it doesn't come across as exiting and energetic as the live versions. I had a listen to his other band, Hunter, but they didn't really grab me:
That was waaayyyyyy better than that other Eurovision song they did. Maybe I should go check out the rest of their stuff rather than writing them off after hearing one song.
Definately mate. Armada and Kolossus are great, practically picking up from where Emperor left off.

I should probably give Kolossus another go. I quite liked Armada, although I agree with others that it was somewhat patchy, but Kolossus just seemed so meh.
And alas I chose to reply halfway through watching that video, forgetting the obvious consequence.