Violins in The Apositle in Triumph?


Apr 16, 2002
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are there violins in that song? i read a review on that said there was and i was just wondering if thats true. since i think it sounds like guitars and not violins, but thats just me.
No violins. Take some reviews with a grain of salt, as alot of reviewers are musically inept fucktards. I've seen reviews where the reviewer called the band in question absolute shit and fellated the keyboardist. Funny part of it all was...The Band didn't have a Keyboardist!
Probably just guitar volume swells. Black Rose Immortal has some of those too. I think Mike posted something about that technique a while ago...
cool thanks for clearing that up. thats what i thought too but didnt want to look like an idiot if that came up again and id be the only one saying it is violins. ya i saw a dude on amazon who said that children of bodoms latest cd had good guitar work but the vocals where shit. but he also said some of his favorite bands were Dimmu Borgir and Opeth. so i dont know what tree he fell out of when he wrote that. but thats just hypocritical if you ask me.
the technique is one used by malmsteen alot.. i dont know if he developed it.. look around on emule or something and download malmsteen lesson videos.. i think example 5 or 7 is the one where he shows that technique.. its just alternating with the volume knob while playing..
flaminfetus - is your tar perhaps taken from the demonic tutor MTG card? lol. I havent played in years but I remember that artwork. I still have a collection, I gotta get on MTG online one day, yeah and nice sig btw.