VIP M&G Packages


Aug 22, 2003
Let me first state for the record that I do not work for Concepts In Concert. I am not making a dime from any of the fan club stuff.

If any of you are thinking about purchasing one of the VIP M&G packages, I’m here to tell you that it is well worth it. I was helping coordinate the M&Gs at the Grand Rapids & Chicago shows, and they were pretty sweet. The first night there were only two people signed up so we ended up hosting it on the tour bus. Joey was offering the guys anything they wanted to drink as well as food. They got photos taken with everybody as well as getting everything they brought signed by the band. The vinyl banner, laminate, and T-shirt are really nice.

The next night we had a bigger crowd, and we also had one guy there who had purchased the Zoom H3 VIP M&G package. Since we couldn’t host everybody on the bus this time, we brought them in for soundcheck first. They ended up with their own private, three song set.

Afterwards we brought them out to the lobby where they got to get photos, autographs and chat with the band. There was this nine year old drummer there with his family. He was beyond excited to get to meet his idol. I went back to my buddy (he’s Charlie’s tech) and asked him for some sticks. He gave me Charlie’s soundcheck pair. The expression on his face when I gave them to him was awesome.

Photographers who shoot concerts get the first three songs to shoot from the pit and then have to leave the pit. The guy who bought the Zoom H3 package then got to shoot songs four & five. The first one was shot in the pit which he only had to share with me and security. For song five, I escorted him up to the side of the stage to shoot.

I would have loved to have been able to go on the road with the guys and keep helping with the M&Gs. Meeting the fans, and seeing the shows was a blast (I got to meet Pink Metal in Chicago...she's pretty damn cool). Alas, I have a family to feed, so I had to return to real life and go back to work today.

Back during the reunion tour the fan club was run by another company and there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t hear a horror story about the M&G fans getting fucked over. The company was dropped shortly thereafter for piss poor customer service. I’ve exchanged several emails and phone calls with the guy who is running the new one, and he really wants to make sure that folks are taken care of.

That being said, if any of you do buy a package, and do encounter a problem, you can contact me and I will make sure you get taken care of. They’ve already had one guy who couldn’t make it because he got stuck at work. The guys at CIC put together a package, and are going to have it autographed when the band comes through L.A., and then send it to him.

To quote Forest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that".

Keep an eye out as I will be posting my photos from the shows eventually. Here’s a little teaser of what’s to come to tide you over until then:

Awesome, glad to hear they're going great so far. Seeing soundcheck at the Sayreville M&G would be one of the coolest things I can's to hoping!

Is there any sort of early entry to the venue for M&G attendees, to ensure them a good spot on the barrier or anything?
Is there any sort of early entry to the venue for M&G attendees, to ensure them a good spot on the barrier or anything?

Unfortunately, no there isn't. Everybody I've met at the M&Gs though made it up front without any issues. I saw them all there. Even the little guy. Security eventually pulled him over the fence though and let him watch from the pit.
That's really good to hear. Sounds like a cool deal for the fans, one in which they're not getting fucked over, which can happen a lot with these types of things. If I had $150 to blow then I might have done this.

I guess Houston must be the only city that did a promotion with a local record store to where, if you buy the new album, you get put on a list (50 max) to see the band's soundcheck and have an opportunity for a meet&greet/autograph session. Definitely a much more affordable way to do all that. Probably won't get the royal treatment that the VIP ticketholders are getting though.

This is a great shot of Joey, nice work Clay!
awwee ur pretty cool too, Clay!! Im sure I got obnoxious as hell the more I drank tho. Haha! I was hammered! And my feet hurt. Lol. And jonnie-next time im in travelling, ill try to swing by!
The only M&G I've ever done was for Priest on the Metal Masters tour a few years ago. $400 for a front row ticket, a BBQ before the show and missed most of the Heaven & Hell set waiting on line for to meet Priest (do the M&G before or after the bands are on, not during). I was in an out of there faster than I take a piss. Was it worth it? Ehhhh. I already bought my ticket for the Sayreville show so I doubt I'd be able to get the package anyways plus I don't really have the extra $150 to blow on it. If I hit the Megamillions before that though I would buy the M&G packages for both Testament and Anthrax.