Virgin Zip

MountainDweller said:
Perhaps that's the Swedish version of "sip". So basically the first sip of the night which is gonna lead to a bunch of drunken silliness.:loco:
yeah it iz the zo called Anderz Swenglish :)
Alustriel said:
I thought you were zipping some virgins! o_O

there is no such thing as "zipping a virgin"...One can get a sugery to sow
back her hymen but kind of girl would like the pain and inconvenience of breaking her hymen a second time...when there's absolutely no function for it.(besides telling if one's a virgin)

I know that in past centuries women that weren't virgins used to tie their pubic hair so that their loved ones would find it hard to penetrate and think they are vergins.that means those ladies had to grow quite a forest there :yuk: and why the hell am talking about this?:ill:

must be the smiley's fault
this smiley--->o_O
Cheerz mates! Just dropped in to see how are you doing with all the zip-zap-the virgin-öl thing :loco: Sounds promising, saturday night has just began after all.. as for me as well :Spin: