Vision Divine Question

Harvester said:
Olaf is very active on the VD forum. It just went offline today to move servers. Perhaps you can ask him directly once it returns?
Will do. I think this would go over really well with the ProgPower crowd. The place was pretty insane when Silent Force did whichever Priest cover song they did.

It is a good cover btw. They have also covered Aha and Europe. They like the covers.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Is it possible they did both? Someone else did a big cover that weekend, and I could have sworn Future World was done by someone, Angra is the likely suspect.

Hmm... I don't think so - though I do remember Gamma Ray doing I Want Out and Edguy doing Avantasia (not that the latter was a big cover or anything, but cool nevertheless).
FatesFan said:
OH............SORRY. :oops:

No problem. I worded it poorly so it could be taken the other way. Reworded it to make it clear.

Listening to their cover of Take On Me, I actually like that better. While I love The Final Countdown, they didn't really do anything to make it their own song. Take On Me as a power metal song is awesome.

Now, can anyone tell me of a death/black metal band that covers Total Eclipse of the Heart? I must have this. All I ever find are sucky pop covers that hardly sound different than the original.
YtseJammer said:
I heard about "The Needle Lies" cover...gotta hear that!

I have it. Not sure if I can somehow post it here or how to post a link to where it uploads from my pc. Is it possible?