June is soon here! And ... live show in Gothenburg? :grin: I know, I know, you don´t have anything (well, not much anyway) to do with that... But hey! One should be able to dream! :D

- phyros ( wants the new album, wants it NOW! )
Yes, do a live date in Gothenburg roughly around the end of july, cause hopefully ill be there :grin:

June is NOT far away, the In Flames album is due out in October, THATS FAR AWAY! :cry:

But no need for tears as the new Vintersorg cd is soon to arrive :hotjump:
A live date would be best in the end of september, as I'll get my car right about then, and be able to drive the.. umm... 3000km or so myself :) Hey, it'll be cheaper than a plane ticket... at least for me.

Can't wait for new album though....
Can't WAIT!!! :grin:
Hopefully the surfer f_v will come to Gothenburg in july and hopefully Wacken to!! But there are many buts right now...:cry:

BUT IT WILL BE SOO!!! :grin:

-phyros ( surfer host )