Vocal carnage


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2005
hey the main reason i joined this forum is to get some advice from like minded musicians and vocalists, i recently joined a band as lead singer and we are pretty heavey my singing style has been described as a cross between phil anselmo and corey taylor anyway i practiced with them last week and after words i was a bit hoarse, but i spent the last 2 days at our practice room doing some serious jamming and now i actually am unable to talk my voise is fucked i mean i can whisper but thats it anyway it will recover in due tiome but i need some advic eon how to maintain my vocal assault withou being literally speechless for next few days after gig or practice, is tehre methods to sreaming and shouting or should i just sontinue the way i am going and slowly build strength in my vocal cords??? any advise would be much appreciated............
you can find plenty of thread son this topic on the musicians forum.

but to briefly touch on the subject. you have to support it from your gut. screaming from the throat will make you go hoarse. if you push from your stomach, it wont cause as much damage.

also, everyone has their own little trick they use to "make their vocals better". mine is a nice warm chai tea before a set hehehe.

but most importantly, its practice.
If you can't stop screaming from your vocal chords, drink milk beforehand. It coats the throat, and although it isn't good for your clean vocals, it will hurt less during the process.
indeed..............milk??? i wa told whiskey or brandy.......anyway have been having a shot of jd before every practice and it seems to help.....i didnt compare myself to him i merely said my style resembles a cross between him and phil anselmo, what the fuck is wrong with corey taylor anyway??? he can sream with the bets of em....ha ha ha oh yeah i came here to make friends yeah...:?