Vocal effect in Karnivool's "New Day"?

Jul 7, 2009
Hey guys,

This is probably a pretty novice question, but I can't figure out the EXACTLY what they did to get this sound. At 2:32 in the song "New Day" off of Karnivool's Sound Awake album, the chorus vocals come in with the line "How do you all speak with a lying tongue" and the vocal mix changes for that chorus, and it sounds huge when that line come in.


It sounds like it's either doubled, or it has a loud, short delay, or a second mic is pulled into the mix that wasn't being used earlier during the verse or something.
Yeah sounds like that part is tripled, the vocal on the right is a little later than the rest and there's definitely still a centered vocal. The contrast from single loud vocal to 3 vocals panned hard makes it sound big.

Congrats! you don't need to buy more gear for this effect.