Vocal Mic other than SM7?

Hmm, I guess I've got some decisions to make. The SM7 seems to be the best for screaming vocals, which is all I really want it for. (Though if it can do singing too, that'd be nice)

I think it's probably going to be my best option, and I almost have enough money for one.

There's a video on youtube of Brandon Boyd from Incubus in the studio tracking one of the songs from one of their albums through am SM7b

I'm not sure how I like mine yet. I haven't gotten a chance to use it too much yet.
My band recorded our demo with an AT4040... I didn't quite like it, to be honest... IMO, too clear, too trebly and not enough body for what I wanted to do....

I prefer the SM7B by a long run...
Actually, the SM7B is GREAT for singing through as well... you can hear that on Warrell Dane's solo record, Mustaine's vox on United Abominations (I believe), and a lot of other great clean vocalists like to use it in the studio.

i was gonna say, a LOT of people use the SM7 for non-screaming/aggressive vocals...incubus, RHCP, michael jackson are just a few
I've got a 1st gen nt1 that sounds good but a little sibilant depending on the singer, and I've got an old NTK that sounds amazing on most singers.

Screamers though, SM7.