vocal mix question


Aug 22, 2009
2 questions on a vocal mix

Question 1

New slow tune 60bpm kinda atmospheric.Problem there is a gap between the last word of the verse and the first word of chorus, seems like a lot of space on listen.
I have tried using an echo with automation to get the last word to drag further but its not sounding great

Am i on the right lines or is there another thing i should try?

Question 2
Vocalist naturally has that pete steele type quite bassy. Got him to do 3 tracks all sound great but there is not much frequency differences some nice nuances but not a really hi one etc.

Shall I use all three underneath each other ?
Any tips on how to make this kind of vocalist stand out in an already bassy sound ( guitars tuned 2 and a half steps down etc) and sound great?
Any other tips most welcome
I dont see any reason to affect the last part before the next part comes in ,in order to fill the gap, perhaps you could try filling the gap with some kind of sample . Maybe the sound of wriggling maggots etc.
to the first question, try to use Melodyne maybe? you can "drag" a word closer
sounds like a creepy light pink floyd track - have you tried throwing in some fx samples? like follow the lyrics and see what you could use to match to the lyrics and try throw in a sample - might help fill it up but personally i dont see the need to fill it. your not producing are you? if not i wouldn't worry about "filling in the gap" its not your place to do so - maybe thats how the vocalist and songwriter wants the track to be
thanks guys.

mick-i am producing and am the songwriter it just suddenly struck me that the gap was long