Tight compression: Don't be afraid to take about 6dB or so off the vocals, with a tight attack, around maybe 6 to 10ms.
ha, that's nothing!
I'm usually using a FUCKLOAD of compression on vox in metal...
usually about 8-10dB (peaking!) on the way in (like 3-5dB average reduction) with a 3:1-4:1 ratio and a slower attack (10-20ms) and another 6-10 dB during mixdown (4:1-5:1ratio, 3-5ms attack, 50-300ms release).
I wouldn't advice using that much compression on the way in to anyone that is not 100% sure about what he's doing though.
the key is to use a longer attack , in distorted music vocals can hardly be compressed to much, but they CAN be compressed with a too fast attack and that'll dull the vocals.....no way to undo that later.
I started compressing that much on the way in cause I loved the compressor on the P1, but I quickly found out that I need less compression in the DAW to "control" the vocals but am just using a comp to "shape" them (shorter attack, sometimes as fast as 0.1 ms, usually 3-5ms)....plus it helps the singer to monitor their vox with some compression.
fuck, now that I think of it....10dB on the way in and up to another ten during mixsdown..wow! but whatever....it works for me

on the other hand....ditorted as fuck guitars are totally compressed, makes sense to compress vox quite a bit as well
I rely mainly on delay for vox and just add a little reverb, delay tends to muddy up the mix less.
this thread should be in the production tips btw