Vocal Processing tips


Official Knob Turner
Mar 20, 2013
So, here's my question. Simply, I want to know everyone's techniques for vocal processing. how to make screams sound big and professional (I've searched around with different techniques and I still can't seem to find the right sound), and how to make singing sound clear, professional, and clean.
Whatever you guys do, I really want to know! It'd be a big help to find out some new techniques.

My current gear is pretty modest, do to my low budget.

PreSonus FP10
Yamaha HS50 Monitors
AKG Perception 220
Mic, preamp, clock, interface etc..... Equipment big factor. Vocal source is a huge deal.... I use a different mic for different vocalists. SM7B most popular for scream vocals. Neumanns are fantastic, but quite expensive. Audio Technica's AT4040 is what Joey uses often.

Post production, I sometimes use NLS channel from Waves to add an analog warm sound. Then compression. Usually a medium amount. Then EQ lows and roll off highs, tape saturator, then 1176 Compressing, Vocal rider and then I surgical eq. Lastly, I throw a deesser on dat bitch.

Also, make sure to eq out some high-mid frequencies from your Overheads, and sometimes guitars, to leave some breathing room for vocals
I've been wanting to get an SM7B for the longest time now. As far as preamps, I've heard really good things about the Presonus Eureka for the price, so I'm looking into that. And then I need the money to shell out for Waves plugins, because they're just great. I've learned without a lot of stuff multiband compressors help a lot.