Need Vocal Processing Tips and tricks


New Metal Member
Apr 9, 2012
Hello Ultimate Metallers..!!

I need some vocal processing tips. just a quick guidline to follow for the voice recording.

a simple vocal chain would do. some tricks or tips... what are good VST or AU pluggins out there for the voice?. What tricks are out there for thickening the voice?... The genre we do is something like alternative metal or alternative rock..

We are starting to record our demo but we have no ideas about the voice process.. NEEEEEED HEEEELP lol.!!!

all we have is a Mbox and a RodeNT1-a (wich IMO is a shitty mic) i dont know if I should sing on the Audix OM6 I have :) (but the proximity effect sucks hard)...

Thanks a lot guys.. I'll be checking out the feedbacks and letting you all know how is turning out and hanging some stuff of the song so you guys have more ideas of how the song is..

Thanks dudes..

hi.. Thanks for the replay..

dude I have surched but cant find anything of what Ive just asked.. could you tell me where it is please?

hmm...well use should use a shit load of compression. Use a compressor that fits your vocalist the best. i usually use an 1176 style comp. I usually de-ess after i insert compression, but before the bus compression. (It really depends on taste). It also depends on what type of mix this is and what you want your voice to sound like. Use delays (make sure its in tempo with the song) and some reverb (use slightly unless you want it to be heard as an effect). Maybe some saturation. I wouldnt go too crazy on the EQ. Maybe just cut some bad frequencies out of your poor mics signal and maybe boost a little bit of high end, but the again, that has to do with how your mix sounds.

As far as layering goes, I usually have about 3 tracks for different purposes (sometimes more). I have a main track that's not really that effected. I would have de-esser, comp, EQ, and delay on that one. then i would have a second main (as a double) and i would have some verb and maybe a doubler plugin of some sorts. then the third track would be for harmonies (if needed). And that would be really compressed and might have a high pass filter. Dont forget to make the double of the main vocal track and the harmony track, lower than the main vocal track.

just read around buddy and youll find some really useful tips. The tips i provided are basically enough to get you on your feet, now you can take that and use it to find what YOU want out of the vocals. cheers!
Thanks a lot dude.!

Ill try what you said.. I used to do like 3 good tackes for the vocals , then level the volumes trying to blend them all together and it would allways sound like 3 voices.! no matter how tight they were.! it would soud like alice in chains, it doesnt sound bad but its not what we are looking for. Ill be reading around to see if i find more usefull things.!!

cheers mate.
Make sure you don't double up on reverbs and what not. Then it'll start to get cluttered and cloudy. Try to put the reverb and the delays on the double vocal track
eq,compress,compress ( i usually compress with 2 different compressors like the cla 2a, then cla 76) sometimes i might just use one depends, then if its screaming ill add the decapitator , and a limiter to really balance everything out try it in that order at first and experiment with it, takes practice but its really the only way ull get good at it, presets will definitely not help u out for they were used on a selected track with different mikes and preamps then probaly what u own, but from my experience i pretty much always do what i stated above in that order, just really varying sometimes on the eq and compression. good luck dude
but if u have some vocal tracks post em up and i could give some suggestions, and im sure a lot of others will.and ask for reverb( and a de esser before reverb on the buss for the vocals, not the track) always use it last in ur chain,ALWAYS lol dont wanna put reverb before a compressor, but a great reverb i use almost always on voice is lexroom,and if u wanna really distortyour voice try ferric tds, does wonders for me with metal vocals