Vocal Processing


May 19, 2012
I'm just curious about how u guys process your vocals, especially clean vox. I usually use this chain: Melodyne - Compressor - Delay - EQ - D82 Maximizer and then i use a separate bus for reverb. On my duplicated track i use the same stuff but with some different EQ and sometimes i skip the delay. I also add a doubler and a stereo chorus effect. I also hard tune this track to make it slightly different in pitch compare to the first track. I've found that this method makes the vocals to seem really wide and thick without double track it. Do u do the same or use a different method?

I also wonder how u guys pan the vocals, if u have for an example two different takes and harmony, how much do u pan them or do u keep them in the center? I tend to pan them very slightly since i don't really like when the vocals are separated. I also feel i need to pan them much with the method i mentioned above.
I usually double track em, pan em about 15 each way, send them to a bus for their processing. One each track I run melodyn > c1 > vocal rider, and on the bus I run an eq > c4 comp > cla vox > one knob louder (if I need any makeup gain)
I usually double track em, pan em about 15 each way, send them to a bus for their processing. One each track I run melodyn > c1 > vocal rider, and on the bus I run an eq > c4 comp > cla vox > one knob louder (if I need any makeup gain)

hardware (behringer pro-xl comp) > Waves tune > cla 76 > cla la2a > De-esser > a tad of saturation

Bus - reverb > Stereo Delay > Fab Filter Pro C
Oh yeah I forgot I started using the ruby tube saturator on cleans recently lol.
Forgot to mention that i use Waves DeEsser. Why do u guys use CLA? I use Supercharger that i got free as my vocal compressor and i think it sounds awesome :)
I use the cla vox as opposed to the cla 76 comp. the cla vox has some cool ways to tune the high and low end, but I really only use it after the eq for some final tuning. Also, the verb and delay on it can be cool for some voices, but I usually use any assortment of verbs and delays (whatever fits best for the song) on voices.
Typically the way I go about it is that I usually have the vocal lines that I send to a single vocal bus. First I put Waves Vocal rider on each individual track before the Buss and if there are doubles or harmonies I put Synchroarts Vocalign on the doubles or harmonies to sync them up. I then Melodyne them individually.Then on the Vocal bus I run a tape saturator(sometimes) into a de-esser, then into some EQ, then Waves CLA-2A For about 1-2db of gain reduction, then into a CLA-76 with a fast attack and medium release for a reduction of about 7-10db to really clap down on the vocal. Finally I add an L-1 Limiter to limit them(obviously). To finalize the vocals and add some glue I typically have a bus with 2 reverbs (1 short sustain, 2nd longer sustain but still relatively short) and a ping pong slap(pending on the tempo) delay. This is all typically for cleans. It may be slightly different for screams. But generally the same.
My clean vox processing on the single tracks (after volume riding and tuning if it's needed):
  1. Subtractive EQ (if needed)
  2. Compressing hard to get the character of the sound (most likely with something from Variety of Sound or Antress + Cubase stock)
  3. De-esser (either Cubase stock or SPITFISH)

On the buss:
  1. Subtle compressing if there's a lot of tracks (I.e doubles, harmonies etc) playing at the same time so they will be more controlled
  2. Subtle saturation (VoS plugins - if needed)
  3. Additive EQ (if needed)
  4. De-esser (if needed)

Fx sends:
  • All kinds of delays and reverbs with different times, pre-delays, lengths etc. all automated
Tried the Waves CLA Vocals and it really sounds great, makes the vocals wider and creates some saturation, only tried the default setting though, but dont really feel the need to change atm.

How much do u compress the vocals? I know it depends on what type and what sound you're after. On clean vocals in choruses and stuff i like to compress them quite a bit, like average about -8 dB but goes from -4 to -12 dB. On softer parts and less crowded with instruments i try to compress max like -4 dB. On screams though, i tend to compress hella lot. Like -8 to -16 dB ^^ I use the Supercharger comp which i think fits really well for vocal compression.
Haha so I'm not the only one that does this. It really gives the vocals some character. CLA-3A is great on vocals as well.

Lol I found the plugin recently and started trying it out on literally everything, and I love it for all vox! But honestly as of like the last few days I've been focusing on getting my pre's to sound the best before the mix. I'm currently running a Great River me 1nv, a universal audio 6176 (the pre and limiter combined), and some old api model. The Great River is like the star with the UA a very very close second. The GR just sounds a little more versatile.
Subtractive EQ> De-Esser> Compress> EQ to bring back some clarity> L1

On Buss Saturation> Delay>Reverb