Vocal strip for live use

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

I'm searching for a 1U 19" rack that would include a great mic preamp, a good eq (I mainly want to low-cut at much higher than 75 indeed) and a very good compressor (I love the LA2A on vocals) which of course would be post-eq.

Any advices? I'm looking at the dbx 376 at the moment, seems nice. Any experience with that or other piece of gear?

Thanks a lot in advance,

I had one in my project studio and ended up selling it after a/b-ing the preamp with our Firestudio and a TL-Audio PA-1. That said, it's a cool unit, eq and compressor do their job well and it also has a deesser which was quite handy. I wouldn't say it's a "great preamp" (in fact I sold it because the pre was the noisiest of the three), nor would I state that the compressor is "very good". It's an ok unit, good bang for the buck, but great is different IMHO...
I've heard great things about the compressor in particular on the Focusrite TrakMaster PRO, and while apparently (according to 006 here, I think) the preamp is a little thin sounding, since you wanna HPF so high up anyway that probably wouldn't be too big of a deal!
Yeah the Platinum stuff from Focusrite works well...the pre is a little thin sounding but...not in a typical thin way. It's more like it sounds really crisp, maybe overly crisp. Warmth can be eq'ed in if you need it, and I think some of the units even have a Tube Warmth effect that you can add in. Other than that the compressor, de-esser and minimal EQ all work well. I just know that we didn't ever really end up rolling anything off with vocals that went through ours, it just already sat in the mix really well because of the "thin" (read: crisp) sound. Just an idea...

i have a few of them i keep connected to the aux inputs on my 2 of my firestudios through 1/4" inputs

i dont use the preamp just the eqs , compressor, gate

im gonna change out the preamps on them here soon to see if i can fatten them up a little bit they are really thin and bright i wondent consider them usable at all my old firepod was way more natural than them and there passable at best

cl762 is where its at for a channel strip thick fat and a good eq along with it