Vocals are not thick enough...Need Tips

Dec 10, 2010
Hey Guys,

I'm in a band called "skullcrusher" and we just recorded our new album. But the vocals do now sound very different to those who can be heard on our ep recordings: www.myspace.com/skullcrusheronline

These are the old tracks and we liked the vocal tone very much and now we got this:


I dont think that the voice of our singer changed that much... Can somebody tell me what the producer did? why doesnt it sound like before?

Well, first of all I think the vocals are mixed louder in the older one.
To me it also sounds like that the vocalist growled a bit deeper on the older one, and does it slightly higher on the newer one.
A bit more bass/low mids on the older one too I think, but the vocals have more space in it then in the newer one...hard to tell over myspace though
Since the newer mix is a bit fuller maybe the producer cut some bass from to vocals to have more space for the rest. Kick has a lot of bass for example, can barely hear the bass guitar.
But its a nice mix I think overall. vocals could use a bit more body maybe.
my .02c
Seems like your vocalist has weak breathing technique at least in this new song. I mean his lungs empty from screaming only one word. Vocals are the kind of recording that can't be rescued with EQ/compression since vocal agressiveness has nothing to do with either... so if this was my recording I'd re-record the vocals. If that's not an option I suggest you guys compress the s**t out of those tracks and add some distortion maybe? But it won't sound as good as real agressive growls...