Voice clip of alexi saying "Ya-yow"

*ahem* I am not a "fangirl".

I appreciate good music.
I don't just listen to certain bands because the lead singer is hot or because they're "cool" to listen to or any of that shit.
&& I don't obsess over men in bands. I've already been through that sad phase in my life. The end.

[[[Though Alexi Laiho is quite attractive. =)]]]

But seriously, I'm not a teeny bopper. Allright?
a bad name said:
*ahem* I am not a "fangirl".

I appreciate good music.
I don't just listen to certain bands because the lead singer is hot or because they're "cool" to listen to or any of that shit.
&& I don't obsess over men in bands. I've already been through that sad phase in my life. The end.

[[[Though Alexi Laiho is quite attractive. =)]]]

But seriously, I'm not a teeny bopper. Allright?

We heard that story so many times before...
The best ya-yow was the one on Are You Dead Yet. I like the ya-yowyow-yooowww!

I have a fangirl friend! YAY! but just remember, only i get Alexi all to myself.