Voice on track 7

wasn't this a thread like a few months ago? I think Tom came on here and cleared the air. He DOES say kill the baby. Unless memory is gone. I think im right.
Someone asked for the ISOT 'tape recorder' lyrics. I was bored, so this is what I came up with. Feel free to add corrections, as I know alot of it is wrong!

The Masterplan:
I have decided to keep this tape recorder with me at all times. Just so that I maybe one day can explain all the strange things happening to me. The lack of sleep, the loss of time...but most of all, the sensation of never being lonely. Always being watched.

Rulers of the Mind:
I am a mystery. ??They have not become my best?? I've been striped of all value. People arrived all over my head?? I'm worth nothing here. My body’s become my prison. And they are the guards. Forever locked in, and there’s no way out. This is my reality. I'm one of the lost children.

Mark of the Triangle:
I need to Relax. Going to remember everything that happened. I see it clearly. And I feel...that I am just acting...the same. When I count to three, I want you to remember the first time you saw it? Alright. One. Two. Three.

Different Worlds:
Oh my god, its happening again. They're here. ??There are more than me?? Oh please don't touch me. What did I do? I don't want to be here...I don't wanna be here, I want to go home. Oh please don't touch me, please don't touch me, I wanna go home.
plumjoose said:
OK, it does say...DOES say. We have to kill the baby. Not only does it say that, but its disgusting. I dont know what THE HELL evergrey is trying to say here. No one is that sick! Well, cult people. Evergrey obviously has a meaning behind this, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, it is accepted in the eyes of Jesus.

haha,It IS we have to kill the baby!!!! and yeah carina you should know;p hehe

but damn,I get chills ALL over when Tom sings :"undressed to nothing,held to the sky,hes smile is gone and she starts to cry"...and so on,man,that part just blows me away!
however,I think its genius that there is a man speaking the other cause on Faith Restored,who is argumenting against the previews priests or whoever:) what he says could really be an eyeopener for a lot of religious people,or people in the face of becoming religious.