Voivod on MTV


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002
I somehow managed to be watching MTV last night ...
It was like 5am, so i cant recall all of it, but it was on MTV news and some guy decked out in his rap persona mentioned VOIVOD, i thought that was pretty bizarre, so it got my attention. there were some clips of an interview with Jason newstead.

Newstead was saying that if Metallica had politely asked him to come back 3 months ago, he glady would have done it, but now that he's with Voivod he realized how much shit Metallica is. He said Voivod is a far superior band, and challenged Metallica to share the stage at a concert with him. He insisted that if that happened, Voivod would kick their asses and put Metallica to shame.

There was more, but I've suddenly forgot it ..

I doubt that Metallica would take up the challenge though.
I didn't care for Voivod BEFORE, so I probably won't like them NOW, but I'll get these songs to see if I misjudge you.
Originally posted by azal
I like how that fat bald posuer guy was pretending he was into Voivod.....

that guy is so annoying.. :mad:

and all the references to "Veteran Heavy Rockers!, VOIVOD!"
making it seem like they care, I found to be quite funny. I guess they're allowed to allude to voivod because they did used to be on MTV from time to time so they're not just coming out of nowhere with voivod talk, but still, they wouldnt bring them up at all if it wasnt for Newstead. I am interested in hearing the new stuff however, since I like just about all their past albums.
that guy is a very fat walking contradiction (well more of a waddling)

he wears The Haunted shirts then he host specials on hom great and revolutionary Nirvana were.....

He totes Shadows Fall as the second coming of metal then he gives the boys in Good Charlotte his official fake/poseur metal horns...

I wish I could stab him.
Was that Iann Robinson? He actually is a metalhead, and a lot of the shit he hosts is because he HAS to. But, then he can wear The Haunted shirts while he's doing it. :rock: :lol: I am interested in how this new Voivod will sound, since Snake is back, & they have Newstead. Could be good, could suck. We'll see.

even if he works on MTV and tells them straight up....let me just do metal becuase that's what I'm into and that's my specialty...that would be cool...

but hence...he is not....