VOTB - official review...


Syntax error
... by me. :D

I shall copy and paste here what I have written elsewhere, as I know how important my opinion is to you all. Spawn won't so much as handle a new CD unless I've given it my seal of approval.

Just finished watching it - it's nice to finally have all the videos. Packaging is good, although the 'finger' is very childish - I'm sure it will appeal to all those young rebelllious teen's out there. A booklet would have made it special, but you can't have everything. I give it 4.5 Friskies out of a possible total of 5. :)

Spawn - it's ok to go ahead and buy it. :loco:
:lol: What was that for? DId I say I wasnt going to buy it in another thread? :confused: :lol: :)