Vote For A Day Off Work!


Jun 8, 2004
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
I received a nice, forwarding email from our good friend Nigel G today.

Now, like me, Nigel is a hard-working Englishman and I can see the reason why he felt this vote was important!

I know you forum guys & gals are from far and wide but, please, think about about us poor folks here in England and get voting!

Besides, I fancy a day off work!

Go to the link Nigel G provided and please vote 'Yes'!!
I know exactly what you mean, Mr Crusader747 - I suspect you would have a risk of suffocation! But we can only but try, eh?
But it is probably the best time to bring things up like this, what with the election around the corner. I know its a small thing in the grand scale of politics, but it is about time the English were allowed to celebrate their identity without offending others! And that extra day off sure hold some appeal!!!
Happy St George's Day Everyone!

[font=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]"There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word,
which means more to me than any other.
That word is ENGLAND." - Sir Winston Churchill


To celebrate I've been cranking out 'Lionheart' all day. Along with Iron Maiden, Saxon are the quintessential English metal band. Personally I think it would be great to see Saxon playing a special St George's Day gig next year - which will obviously be a bank holiday as well! ;)
DirtySanchez - Thanks! That is a fantastic Churchill quote! And I'm sure, in these over-politically-correct times, it's a quote that has found itself brushed under the carpet. These days, it seems to be a shamefull thing to be English! Why?

It would be great to see Saxon play a St.Georges Day gig. Along with Maiden, for some reason they fit the bill, don't they?
Am I wrong in saying this, but England is the home of Heavy Metal, isn't it? Led Zepp, Black Sabbath, Priest etc.
I think it would be great for Rock to have a St. Georges Day Rock Festival -have a decent mix of music that could have only originated from England: Saxon, Maiden, Motorhead, Priest, Slade, Quo, Kinks, Led Zepp, The Who etc. And, love 'em or hate 'em, the best example of Complete English Rock, Queen!
That would be a bloody great gig!
Saxon doing a big gig on St George's Day, now that is a bloody good idea!

Good old Winston Churchill. Quite rightly voted Best Briton of the last century. I know there is a vinyl record of some of Winston Churchill's speeches, does anyone know if this album has made it to cd?