Vote for 'The Great Escape' as best progressive metal album of 2010-2011


May 14, 2007
Hey all,

‎'The Great Escape' is nominated for 'Best Progressive Metal Album of 2010-2011' on
Head over to the site and vote for 'TGE' - the poll is on the right hand side.

Edited on January 4th. 2012: The result can be seen in post 9!
Sweet, can't vote without listening through the other contestants first, but guessing they won't top TGE. And I've only listened to Iconoclast, HUGE Symphony X fan.

Besides; a nice way to discover new bands.
I voted (I think) for SW. I have actually had a chance to listen to several of those and SW's is my favorite. I thought Darkwater's wasn't as strong as their first album; and while I really like Symphony X's newest release, I still think SW wins this one!
‎'The Great Escape' became the winner!!

Although the number of votes seems a bit out of place compared to the other albums :err:, the result itself of course is fantastic :rock: !
Thanks to all of you who voted (multiple times :) ).