Vote for your favourite The End Records artist

Well you can't take the results seriously from a website where Dimmu Borgir was voted the best black metal band
i havent heard the gathering because bands that sign to the end records are generally shit. should i give the gathering a listen?
Tubbs Mcgee said:
You sound like you've never even heard them. It's stfu time now, go to bed. :erk:

Idiotic reply, try again...i heard that ''one long song shit album'' and ''AcSOutic VersEs'', they blow, melodramatic bullshit at best ''The Quiet Offspring '' is a chinese torture too...and why for fucks sake i was sounding like i never had heard of them? you are a crazy person imo.
i aint play this said:
Idiotic reply, try again...i heard that ''one long song shit album'' and ''AcSOutic VersEs'', they blow, melodramatic bullshit at best ''The Quiet Offspring '' is a chinese torture too...and why for fucks sake i was sounding like i never had heard of them? you are a crazy person imo.
Mmkay. I like them though. :p
all_sins_undone said:
i havent heard the gathering because bands that sign to the end records are generally shit. should i give the gathering a listen?

They are awesome All_sins, they changed and developed a lot throughout the years...get ''Mandylion'', it is a damn heavenly album, a bit simplistic but big on atmosphere and melancholic heaviness...''Souvenirs'' is awesome too, ''sad trip rock'' is how i would describe it. ''Sleepy buildings'' is their best release ever imo, it features killer acoustic(or semi-acoustic) versions of older classics...but all the albums with anneke on vocals are excellent.