Vote for Zsuzsa to be yer Troll Queen!

Should I be yer Troll Queen?

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Awww, mommy didnt mean to hurt ya

*gathers John into her arms

Haha, just saw that quote in your sig :lol: Well, aint that Steve420 one intelligent and convincing user :lol:


and @hearse: you look like a lady, you can't be the Troll King! :lol:

Besides, everyone knows that the king always has penile disfunctions! (and the queen has to cheat on him with the ogre chieftain) :p
HAhaha, Lasse, show them that eating pic, knife in your hand and looking angry. Now THAT is trollish :lol:

But also Yanko...hmm

*patts both lil' trolls on the head

You are both evil looking enough haha
Okay, lemme make all things clear here and give out the roles.

Yanko, the OGRE

Ogres are big, stupid, greedy, lazy, ugly humanoids who love to prey on the weak and kowtow to the powerful. They will often be found with groups of giants or trolls, and sometimes work as mercenaries for evil humanoids. They are always bad-tempered and tend to bash first and ask questions later (if at all).

Me, the Troll

Trolls are green, rubbery giant humanoids standing 9 feet tall and weighing over 500 pounds. They appear thin but are surprisingly strong, and a strike with both claws will do additional damage to the victim as the troll latches on and rends flesh. Except for fire and acid, which do normal damage to a troll, all other damage is treated as subdual damage, and the troll can regenerate 5 such points of damage every round. This makes them fearless foes and difficult to kill.

John, the Salamander

These serpentine humanoids from the Elemental Plane of Fire are rarely encountered on the Prime Material, where they are summoned to act as guardians or metalsmiths (their immunity to fire means they can work with metal that is still inside the forge). Their bodies give off such tremendous heat that any melee attack deals additional fire damage to the victim.

Lasse, the Gnoll

Gnolls are tall, shaggy humanoids with heads like hyenas and temperaments to match. They lair in small tribes and often make alliances with other nearby evil humanoids, like bugbears and ogres, to make raids on villages. They enjoy eating intelligent creatures and often play with their food.

EFF, the Ettin

These two-headed giants are 13 feet tall and weigh over 5000 pounds. Their heads are exceptionally sharp-eyed and alert, making them excellent guardians. They are capable of fighting with two weapons at no penalty, since each head controls an arm. But whoever said that two heads were better than one had never met an ettin. They are not very intelligent creatures, and their heads often bicker and argue over trivial matters.

thebigyetti, the Hill Giant

Hill giants grow to be over 10 feet tall and weigh more than 1000 pounds. They are not very intelligent but can act cunning on occasion. They wear filthy hides and fight with crude clubs or by simply throwing rocks at their opponents.

Sephi, the Hezrou

These powerful demons look like massive, 7-foot humanoid toads with arms instead of forelegs. Their mouths are lined with blunt powerful teeth, and they have sharp spines along their backs. Like all demons, they attack for the sheer joy of combat, but they often speak to their victims first, in order to terrify them.
Bodomite, Eye of the Deep

These aquatic creatures look similar to beholders, but they are not nearly as powerful or as intelligent. They often appear in groups and can leave the water for extended periods of time.

Kuvasz, the Lamia

Lamia are evil magical beasts with a human torso atop the body of a lion, deer, or goat. They love to spread suffering and evil, and they particularly hate those who serve the cause of good. Their spell-like abilities include charm person, mirror image and suggestion, and they use these abilities to lure potential heroes into perilous situations.

Ormir, the Hydra

Hydras are large dragon-like reptiles with multiple heads (in this case, five). They can attack with all of their heads at no penalty, even if they move during the round. They must be killed by severing all of the heads or by slaying the body. Some rare hydras are known to breathe fire or frost, and the rarest can regenerate their heads every round!