VOTE: Good neighbor relations


vvv Jake's ass vvv
Jul 6, 2002
Americans, as a neighbor of your country I feel obliged to say a few things concerning the election today:

  • Please vote
  • Fuck Nader (nice person, bad for the election)
  • Don't screw this up
  • We need somebody that actually has the ability to negociate, or is able to chose an entourage that does (actually I don't know if Kerry is able but I am willing to take the chance)
Thank you
In one final plea, I make my call to get out the vote. Realize that both candidates are not worthwhile and vote for me, Nils McBride. If enough people vote for an un-nominated, non age requirement satisfying, current college student, perhaps someone of importance will realize that the candidates were so poor that someone without a degree, not studying political science, not capable of treating others with courtesy, is arrogant enough to flex into the mirror in front of his roommates is more capable of running this country than Kerry or Bush.
I just this morning realized exactly how much I don't want Bush to win this election. I don't like Kerry either but for the love of God, I think I would actually rather have Nils in office than Bush again. At least he can use the English language in a somewhat proper fashion.
dude don't hate on Nader, he's not really going to impact this.

also i hope no one from a swing state sees this! you know how ORNERY they get when FURRENERS (especially FRENCH FURRENERS) tell them how to vote! they'll vote to fuck the country up for another four years out of pure spite.
I said he was nice, I said fuck him in the election. I have no hate for Nader at all.

I am not telling anybody how to vote, I am making suggestions, and I am not saying that Kerry is the solution, just hinting at it.

Stop with the french crap already, my family has been in Canada since 1734 so I might speak french but I am not french at all. Its like saying that you are an englishman.
in this particular case, I was imitating the thought process of some backwoodsers who would most definitely think of you as a FRENCH FURRENER.

in other cases, fine, I will refer to you as Francophone!
I know you were imitating the thought process of a section of American population, I just thought I'd point that out because you always refer to me as the french guy. Nut Butter's the french guy, I am not.
Can anyone tell me how is it possible that people have to stand in line for hours to vote? How crappy is the organization of these things? I waited all of 4 minutes to vote this spring...
i just walked in and voted, no wait.

the lines happen because some focused polling places are hit with like 90% of their total voters at 8:30 or at 5:30 or whatever because people are going before or after work.