VP ,Paindivision, Argument Soul...may 2nd-syd

Yeah these things can't be helped. These things seem to be happening more and more in Sydney lately. I think there was a big metal show with LORD on it that was up against a Switchblade gig back at the start of the year (or was it last year. The days seem to fly by), and (until it was postponed) the Psycroptic/The Amenta/Ruins gig here was on the same night as Cradle of Filth! Insane.
I'm sorry you're upset there, Ferret. Here, have a cookie. :)

Yeah, shit news about the clash. I do remember there were talks about combining the show and I can't remember exactly what happened about that now, but as was mentioned, it didn't happen.

We're purposely doing a more rock oriented bill rather than metal that night so if you're after something heavier, what we're doing won't be for you (and hey let's face it, that's a killer line up too, and a rare chance to see Argument Soul down here so it's well worth going - you'll be seeing LORD in Sydney again soon enough). That all said, we're organising a deal where you can get in cheaper to see us if you want to try and catch bits of both gigs. The info will be up on our forum soon.

Really sad about the clash though - I really wanted to see Argument Soul, and it would have been great to catch up with Stu and the lads from VP too (I owe you a beer Chrispy! Thanks heaps for your recent work! :) ).
