VREID's "Hengebjørki" is totally fantastic!!!1


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Track #5 from Pitch Black Brigade is easily one of the best songs from 2006.

It's really epic for Vreid and almost Summoning-esque. I wish I could upload it but I can't. So in the meantime, you'll just have to take my word for it. Unless someone else uploads.

Vreid may very well steal the show at HC2. I can't imagine their style of music not going down well in a live environment. They should totally raise the roof, beeyotch!
I'm so fucking pumped for Vreid at HCII. I plan on listening to them a bunch this coming week

EDIT: that song fucking rules; it's my favorite.
The last 1/3 of the song is REMARKABLE. Those last 2-3 minutes, wow. Beautiful tremelo picked melody, epic, and those clean chants against the screams.....just works wonders.

This is the "Songen Et Fangen" of Pitch Black Brigade.

If Vreid play this and Songen Et Fangen, then my entire HC 2 will be complete. No shit.
Fair enough, but Vreid have enough great material of their own. No need to dilute it with Windir stuff, it just wouldn't work as well live.

Vreid music was designed for a live setting. It's fucking Motorhead meets Enslaved!!!

Vreid >>>>>>>>. Windir
since JayK picked up amesoeurs and probably Alcest, maybe ill pick up some vried. it better be better than windir, because 1184 was mediocre
I picked up Amesouers and Alcest blind!!! Man, haven't done that in a while.

Vreid kills Windir. Granted, it's a totally different atmosphere but as viking bands go, Windir were fucking average as hell. A poor man's Helheim or something. Even Likferd, which is probably the best Windir, was so hit and miss.

Vreid aren't in the business of going after the highbrow elite crowd. They are balls to the wall heavy metal. We're talking the whole "biker jacket, thrash metal terror, motorhead on steroids, bullet belts with shotgun cartridges, making Enslaved their bitch, crushing viking theme" with a dash of mellotron and cinematic sounds here and there.

The core riffs are played at "walking pace" if that makes sense. I've found myself walking home at night, listening to Vreid and playing air guitar LOL.

I think I might explode when they start churning out their riffs live at HC2. My expectations are high to say the least.
Windir's Arntor is easily their best. Vried makes Windir look like trash, though. I am shitting myself thinking that in a little over 2 weeks I'll be seeing their set.
What the hell? People are sucking down VREID now? Of all bands? Bloody hell...

Solid? yes. Good? yes. Great? hell no.


I've heard a few tracks but I'm yet to hear anything that has really stuck out as being anything truly special.

As for Windir they were a good band, with some really fantasitc material, but none of their albums were consistently good IMO.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
What the hell? People are sucking down VREID now?

Hey to be fair, I've been raving on about them since I got the pre-release promo of their debut, Kraft. Look, I even did a review for it right here for RC.

I am a huge fan of Vreid and I'll be honest, the HC2 announcements for both they and Rudra were the turning point in my decision to go!

(I've also been raving about Rudra for about 3 years now).
Here is the song "Hengebj0rki".

Might I suggest that you listen to the entire song, start to finish, with some volume and maximum carnage. As mentioned earlier, the last 3rd of the song blows me away.