VREID's "Hengebjørki" is totally fantastic!!!1

Listening to Hengebjørki now, never was much of a fan and my first impression is that the intro fucking sucks.

edit: second impression=kick drum triggers suck
Listening to Hengebjørki now, never was much of a fan and my first impression is that the intro fucking sucks.

edit: second impression=kick drum triggers suck

This track is un-fucking-real. Did you listen to it all the way through, or just stop at the keyboardy intro? It is fucking mayhem fury bleeding into epic glory. :kickass: x 100
This track is un-fucking-real. Did you listen to it all the way through, or just stop at the keyboardy intro? It is fucking mayhem fury bleeding into epic glory. :kickass: x 100

No, I started drinking and got stuck in a halfway-finished-lethal-track kinda thing, but now when I'm properly alcoholisized I shall try again. I I don't like it now Vreid is gone forever from my life. And I never liked Windir much either. (Short summary of earlier listens both windir and vreid: both are like 20394758 other earlier bands with very very few redeeming qualities such as nice clean guitar sound which is compensated by crappy digital-sounding bass and kick drum from carton box)
EDIT: I am in no way saying this is bad, I just come off harsh sounding as more or less a backlash to the hype. This is good-to-very-good, and if I had heard this 5-8 years ago I would have made love to the disc, but it just feels very... Standard as it is. A bit above but not much enough to warrant gay love.
This is very good, and at several points in the song it seems like it's about to totally rule my face, but it never seems to quite get there.

Go listen to Fagning of Likferd. Good god that song is epic.
Yeah I've owned Likferd since before it was released (promo :loco: ) but honestly, it doesn't even come close to the majesty of Vreid. Just this song alone (the last half) destroys Likferd in one fel swoop.
Yeah I've owned Likferd since before it was released (promo :loco: ) but honestly, it doesn't even come close to the majesty of Vreid. Just this song alone (the last half) destroys Likferd in one fel swoop.

I'd agree that Likferd as a whole isn't consistently good, but that song, Fagning...fuck is it good!
Totally. And very much in the style of Vreid (and why not) in that it's another example of how the songs build momentum and actually get better towards the middle to end.

The melody that plays out to the end of "Fagning" is probably the highlight of Likferd. Glorious stuff.

By the way, Vreid's "Songen Et Fangen" is probably in my top 10-20 songs of all time at this point. It never ceases to amaze me.
This track is un-fucking-real. Did you listen to it all the way through, or just stop at the keyboardy intro? It is fucking mayhem fury bleeding into epic glory. :kickass: x 100

I think this does rival the best Windir material, does build in the manner of a true Viking epic, and will undoubtedly send the HC crowd into a frenzy, but doesn't quite get there. And both the keyboard prelude and outro march, while fine on their own, seem a bit disconnected from the body of the song.
You people are nuts, especially considering the other tripe you listen to! Seriously, all oompa-bandwagon aside -- because let's face it, if the first response here was "yeah, this is great" then everyone would have followed suit -- how is it that the last 3 minutes of this song leave you thinking this 'goes nowhere'?

I mean, we're talking 'black n roll' merging into Summoning territory. Stunning work. There is a reason why this band is considered headliner material (and it 'aint got nothing to do with the Windir history, that's for sure)!!!!
Wow, I'll take back some of what I said about Windir. I just heard "Sóknardalr" and it's excellent. Very different to what I was expecting -- this would be good listening to accompany "Dark Medieval Times" and "Bergtatt". It's not blastbeating all the way, and I like the mid-paced folk melodies they do oh so well.

Between both Windir and Vried, they have this trademark of incorporating a near "music box" melody over the main riff. I suppose this is what you would call the "hook" because they really know how to write catchy songs.

Maybe I need to revisit 1184 because I remember it as being viking black metal lacking some imagination.