VREID's "Hengebjørki" is totally fantastic!!!1

Wow, I'll take back some of what I said about Windir. I just heard "Sóknardalr" and it's excellent. Very different to what I was expecting -- this would be good listening to accompany "Dark Medieval Times" and "Bergtatt". It's not blastbeating all the way, and I like the mid-paced folk melodies they do oh so well.

Between both Windir and Vried, they have this trademark of incorporating a near "music box" melody over the main riff. I suppose this is what you would call the "hook" because they really know how to write catchy songs.

Maybe I need to revisit 1184 because I remember it as being viking black metal lacking some imagination.

All you need is Arntor. 1184 is the worst Windir even worse than Likferd (not that it is bad but if you hate it..)
It's day and night with Arntor (1184) . 1184 has very heavy production and lacked the characteristic lead guitars that they had on the two first albums. Likferd is 50/50, the heavyness of 1184 and some of the melody of Arntor, I think some songs are good and some suck. It's been a while since I listened to it though. Arntor is still unique in its kind...It will be interesting to see what you think of it after having ingurgitated a trillion of viking/pagan metal albums. A good test for the album actually..
Yeah, well Sóknardalr still got the juices flowing and at some point I really need to listen to Hades "The Dawn of the Dying Sun". I'm probably the last person here to check it out.
Wow, I'll take back some of what I said about Windir. I just heard "Sóknardalr" and it's excellent. Very different to what I was expecting -- this would be good listening to accompany "Dark Medieval Times" and "Bergtatt". It's not blastbeating all the way, and I like the mid-paced folk melodies they do oh so well.

Welcome aboard. :kickass: I hope the tribute song at HC II comes from this album.

EDIT - Those keyboards in "Det som var Haukareid", those leads in "Morket sin Fyrste" & "I ei Krystallnatt" :worship: :worship:
Seriously man, you gotta stop quoting other people just to agree all the time. Well, at least you don't just post a '.' anymore. 7,800 posts of '.' gets a bit tiresome after a while. :loco:

Feel free to write a thesis. :D

hey now, let's calm down. i just dont understand how this could pass as remarkable while Windir is just "meh". Have you guys heard Arntor? That is an awesome album with a million original themes and sounds.

Don't get me wrong, this song is really good but I don't feel that it is very unique. CRAPPPPPPP intro as well.
Don't get me wrong, this song is really good but I don't feel that it is very unique. CRAPPPPPPP intro as well.

Well, I like the intro so there.

But seriously, I'm beside myself that this doesn't floor people. Here's the challenge (assuming that nobody listened to it all the way through):

skip forward to 5:55 when it slows down to the finger picking clean section


moshing music ensues for a while

then at 7:24 THAT GLORIOUS OF GLORIOUS riffs (with harmony) returns but this time with clean chanted vocals over the harsh screams

Give me some fucken credit here, I've got it down to a science. Just follow the steps above and it gets you past level 1 and face to face with the big boss. :saint:
This is the song Vreid finished with, plus they were one of the best bands at HC, so I would say case closed.

Also, Windir's "Det Som Var Haukareid" is one of the greatest viking/pagan songs I've heard.
becuase they turned their backs, to the electronic opening, then played that. Then went into Pitch Black Attack... I think...

I couldn't understand what he said, but it was off of Likferd.
The Windir song was Dauden.

The last song was Pitch Black Attack, and the second to last song, sans the Norwegian Dance Party, was Hengebjorki.