Wow, I'll take back some of what I said about Windir. I just heard "Sóknardalr" and it's excellent. Very different to what I was expecting -- this would be good listening to accompany "Dark Medieval Times" and "Bergtatt". It's not blastbeating all the way, and I like the mid-paced folk melodies they do oh so well.
Between both Windir and Vried, they have this trademark of incorporating a near "music box" melody over the main riff. I suppose this is what you would call the "hook" because they really know how to write catchy songs.
Maybe I need to revisit 1184 because I remember it as being viking black metal lacking some imagination.
All you need is Arntor. 1184 is the worst Windir even worse than Likferd (not that it is bad but if you hate it..)
Wow, I'll take back some of what I said about Windir. I just heard "Sóknardalr" and it's excellent. Very different to what I was expecting -- this would be good listening to accompany "Dark Medieval Times" and "Bergtatt". It's not blastbeating all the way, and I like the mid-paced folk melodies they do oh so well.
Thanks, I'll check that out next. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like 1184.
Seriously man, you gotta stop quoting other people just to agree all the time. Well, at least you don't just post a '.' anymore. 7,800 posts of '.' gets a bit tiresome after a while.
Feel free to write a thesis.
Don't get me wrong, this song is really good but I don't feel that it is very unique. CRAPPPPPPP intro as well.
Give me some fucken credit here, I've got it down to a science. Just follow the steps above and it gets you past level 1 and face to face with the big boss.