VST for clipping DI's?


Feb 4, 2016
Hi all,

I figured out that heavy guitars sound better when the DI is already clipped (active pickup, I guess).
Is there any plugin that clips guitars the way an active pickup does?
No I'm not :)
I figured out the best sound i got from a DI was with a clipped one
This video talk about that :

I watched this video long ago. But still I think that mixing shitty clipping guitars is a real pain in da ass and it's not worth spending time on it. It's better to get the guitarist to re-record his parts PROPERLY, not so "hot".
I watched this video long ago. But still I think that mixing shitty clipping guitars is a real pain in da ass and it's not worth spending time on it. It's better to get the guitarist to re-record his parts PROPERLY, not so "hot".
Ok thanks for your reply

Well, I guess my request seems a bit silly :D
I wouldn't worry about clipping the DIs. A lot of that means that the signal is reaching 0 and effectively a louder signal, more than the tone when clipping is better. I have had a guitar player who clipped my input, and when I reamped.....couldnt really tell a difference when ran through my amp setup (which is effectively a series of clipping stages).
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We ran into a meaning problem here. What does the topicstarter mean by "clipping"?
1) Hot signal that goes above 0 dB?
2) Or shitty WAVE form that was glued without proper crossfading different takes and actually makes that gross "snap" or "click" sound on glued places?
Use a Tubescreamer. Done.
I wouldn't worry about clipping the DIs. A lot of that means that the signal is reaching 0 and effectively a louder signal, more than the tone when clipping is better. I have had a guitar player who clipped my input, and when I reamped.....couldnt really tell a difference when ran through my amp setup (which is effectively a series of clipping stages).
If you cannot tell the difference, then there's no benefit.
I think I was looking to the wrong way. Thanks for your post.
We ran into a meaning problem here. What does the topicstarter mean by "clipping"?
1) Hot signal that goes above 0 dB?
2) Or shitty WAVE form that was glued without proper crossfading different takes and actually makes that gross "snap" or "click" sound on glued places?
Hot signal
Lupus, I always use a tubescreamer but it doesn't quite do what I want.
Maybe the DI's I work with are too shitty and nothing can save it, tho. :'(
Attach a screenshot of those DIs waveforms so we can check if they're shitty enough, lol :)
The waveform is nice, I guess.
I recorded pretty low in volume and I edited them properly.
Just wondering if clipping it would make it better (I tried and seems like it won't lol).

Here's the waveform :
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Work in the sweetspot of your plugin (amp sim) use different tubescreamers and compare. Use other pickups. I would always try and keep the signal as clean as possible. I try to record my DI's with a max peak of -10 to -6db. No problem ever.
Work in the sweetspot of your plugin (amp sim) use different tubescreamers and compare. Use other pickups. I would always try and keep the signal as clean as possible. I try to record my DI's with a max peak of -10 to -6db. No problem ever.
Thanks for the advice.
I'll definitely do some tests around tubescreamers and pickups.