VST Mastering plugins

korpse pop

Horde of Undead Vengeance
Jun 22, 2005
What plugins would you recommend to get my mixes to maximum volume without ugly clipping? I'm thinkin of purchasing Voxengo Elephant, but are there good alternatives to it that I should take a look at? I've used Gclip before but end results sound like Death Magnetic :puke:
Another one i would recommend looking into is the iZotope Ozone. The Intelligent modes on it are great. Its what i have and compared to other limiters i've tried its the best one. That said i haven't tried FG-X and i'm sure its an excellent option, i just don't see the need to get/try different ones, ozone gives me exactly what i want.
WOW!!! Tried this one and it rules! Thanks for the tip :headbang:

You´re welcome. This is the single most underrated plugin I use. I admit that I´ve used Elephant for a long time just because "it looks more pro", but after some extensive A/B testing the TLs is clearly the winner. I wish I could make a decent skin for it.
I don't mind the look at all and I like how simple the controls are. I did A/B test agains Elephant demo too, and TLs wins indeed
Tls_Maximizer is not for commercial use according to the license.

Just sayin'

Here´s what Daniel says

"BUSINESS" AND "COMMERCIAL" IS NOT THE SAME. If you CREATE something with the sound that come out of the tool then you can do what ever the fuck you want with it. If you use the tool itself for the purpose of making money then that is not ok. If you don´t get that moral difference then fuck off! ;-)

Kinda tricky to explain, but it´s basically "don´t exploit something that is supposed to be free". He just don´t want people selling the plugin or charging for using only it.

It´s like the difference between "charge to build a house using a hammer" and "rent the hammer".