W.A.S.P. recommendations


Sep 13, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I've been spinning the crap out of The Headless Children the past few days, but that's about as far as my knowledge of this band goes. What are the best albums to check out next?
Headless Children is my favorite as well, followed by Crimson Idol. Beyond that I definitely prefer their later output to the first 3 albums. Essentially I prefer serious Blackie to shocking Blackie, though oddly enough I'd say KFD is the one exception as I really like that album. I'd recommend checking out Dying for the World and the Neon God albums. The two most recent, Babylon and Dominator are good too albeit a little samey. Helldorado is the worst. KFD is an anomaly, I really like it but its different from the rest (Blackie goes Industrial) so your mileage may vary.
Things like this total bewilder me, I think how can anyone into metal not know W.A.S.P? I just place my head in my hands and give up trying to figure these things out.:confused:

Not everyone grew up in the '80s, and WASP's imagery alone could keep younger listeners from giving them a fair chance. Same with Lizzy Borden. Great metal, but you have to get past the cartoonish image.
Not everyone grew up in the '80s, and WASP's imagery alone could keep younger listeners from giving them a fair chance. Same with Lizzy Borden. Great metal, but you have to get past the cartoonish image.

Seriously? It is elementary man! Knowing W.A.S.P is all most like knowing Crue. And growing up in the 80s really seem not to have all that much to do with it I would not think. Somethings just come to you.
It is just difficult to concieve not knowing W.A.S.P being into heavy metal and deep enough into it as to be a metal dj (truly not trying to offend here).
Now if it were a band like Manilla Road well that would not surprise me at all, but W.A.S.P And to suggest the imagery could scare people off; it is heavy metal and you know as well as I do that most metal is a mockery of itself. But of the attraction is the "cartoonish" image. For god sake these bands sing about slaying dragons, fighting demons shall I go on.
Seriously? It is elementary man! Knowing W.A.S.P is all most like knowing Crue. And growing up in the 80s really seem not to have all that much to do with it I would not think. Somethings just come to you.
It is just difficult to concieve not knowing W.A.S.P being into heavy metal and deep enough into it as to be a metal dj (truly not trying to offend here).
Now if it were a band like Manilla Road well that would not surprise me at all, but W.A.S.P And to suggest the imagery could scare people off; it is heavy metal and you know as well as I do that most metal is a mockery of itself. But of the attraction is the "cartoonish" image. For god sake these bands sing about slaying dragons, fighting demons shall I go on.

No offense taken. You'd be horrified at some of those who have taken over my old show now that I've graduated....

Just never really cared about them much to be honest. Always kinda lumped them in with hair metal, which I'm not the biggest fan of. There are so many 'essential' bands that it's hard to keep up with every single one of them. You don't really see W.A.S.P. discussed much these days and much less than bands like Manilla road (at least on the sites I visit). It's really good stuff though!
I like the first one, THE LAST COMMAND and CRIMSON IDOL best (aside from THC). I'll be interested to hear what the new one sounds like...
As a fan from the beginning of W.A.S.P. you should check out everything but Helldarado. Still Not Black Enough is a top fav of mine. Since you have started Headless now go backwards check out the beginning, then listen to everything after including the new material. The later cd's still shows that W.A.S.P. is still good. Check out You tube for videos also.

Helldarado in my opinion is a poor showing on what Blackie has done. To me it seemed rushed and all he does is scream on it. You may like it but after listening to the other cd's, you will see a difference. BUT that being said, W.A.S.P. (Blackie) still rules.
Headless Children is my favorite as well, followed by Crimson Idol. Beyond that I definitely prefer their later output to the first 3 albums. Essentially I prefer serious Blackie to shocking Blackie, though oddly enough I'd say KFD is the one exception as I really like that album. I'd recommend checking out Dying for the World and the Neon God albums. The two most recent, Babylon and Dominator are good too albeit a little samey. Helldorado is the worst. KFD is an anomaly, I really like it but its different from the rest (Blackie goes Industrial) so your mileage may vary.

Excellent summary. As you see from my post, Helldorado was so horrible I forgot how to spell it. lol. I think I have only listened to it once and that was when it came out.
I've been a fan since the first and have them all. I actually like Helldorado. I guess KFD is my least favorite. My favorites:

The Last Command
Headless Children
Crimson Idol
I'm in the minority that loves "Still Not Black Enough" after that.

It seemed like opinions about it were typically negative in the mid to late 90's, maybe partially due to the weird track differences between releases in different regions ("Breathe" vs "Skinwalker", etc). But I think the album has become a lot more well-liked among W.A.S.P. fans in recent years.
I love all things W.A.S.P. so naming a fave is kinda hard,so I'll just go with Crimson Idol.
Also, "Inside the Electric Circus" has several songs I love.
Shoot From The Hip
I Don't Need No Doctor
Restless Gypsy

I can remember the first time I heard the whole cd "K.F.D."
My jaw was open and on the ground cause I never expected an album like that from Blackie.I love every song on it but it's so different from the others that it stands on it's own.I HIGHLY suggest giving it a spin all the way through.
It seemed like opinions about it were typically negative in the mid to late 90's, maybe partially due to the weird track differences between releases in different regions ("Breathe" vs "Skinwalker", etc). But I think the album has become a lot more well-liked among W.A.S.P. fans in recent years.

I actually loved it so much that I bought both the UK & US versions before the days of downloading the extra tracks.

Breathe is fantastic.
No offense taken. You'd be horrified at some of those who have taken over my old show now that I've graduated....

Just never really cared about them much to be honest. Always kinda lumped them in with hair metal, which I'm not the biggest fan of. There are so many 'essential' bands that it's hard to keep up with every single one of them. You don't really see W.A.S.P. discussed much these days and much less than bands like Manilla road (at least on the sites I visit). It's really good stuff though!

Most of the albums are fine; there did to be somewhat of a change in direction around 'Headless Children'. Like most people with Maiden they seem to have their favorite be the album that hooked them... So I would say mine was 'Last Command' and strange enough or as it was back then when a lot of chicks were not into metal a old hot blonde named Wendy turned me onto the band. It would make that a little more interesting if I could honestly say it was 'F23k Like a Beast;.
To lump W.A.S.P in under the "hair band" title always seemed unfair. This band is not and never was a Warrant. I thought it was just as under hair to say that about Twisted Sister. Any of them could be called "hair bands" because in most metal bands of any type there is a lot of hair. So where does it stop They all had hair; at one time Slayer looked like Motley Crue, Savatage could have written 'Wild Child" as easily as W.A.S.P, TS has songs as heavy has The Melvins, Whitesnake was around a decade before the term was coined so where does it begin and ended? Was Pantera once a "hair band" sounds like any other band ripping off Scorpions and old Priest to me.
So what defines this term? I think that could be a topic of discussion.