W.A.S.P. recommendations

If you like THC, then definitely check out The Crimson Idol, Unholy Terror, Dying For The World, Dominator and Babylon. Stay away from Helldorado at all cost, a horrible attempt to replicate the first few after the experimental departure of KFD (which is cool, but way different (aka trying to appeal to the Marilyn Manson fans)).

The first two are good, but have a different tone than THC, more basic 80's shock rock, Electric Circus (3rd) is the same style just not as good. The rest are patchy, but have their moments.
Secondly. The Crimson Idol. Own it. Let it own you. It's not just their "Streets". It's their "Mindcrime". And try to see them live. I did in 2004 and it was amazing. Even their old stuff is fun as fuck.
Most of the albums are fine; there did to be somewhat of a change in direction around 'Headless Children'. Like most people with Maiden they seem to have their favorite be the album that hooked them... So I would say mine was 'Last Command' and strange enough or as it was back then when a lot of chicks were not into metal a old hot blonde named Wendy turned me onto the band. It would make that a little more interesting if I could honestly say it was 'F23k Like a Beast;.
To lump W.A.S.P in under the "hair band" title always seemed unfair. This band is not and never was a Warrant. I thought it was just as under hair to say that about Twisted Sister. Any of them could be called "hair bands" because in most metal bands of any type there is a lot of hair. So where does it stop They all had hair; at one time Slayer looked like Motley Crue, Savatage could have written 'Wild Child" as easily as W.A.S.P, TS has songs as heavy has The Melvins, Whitesnake was around a decade before the term was coined so where does it begin and ended? Was Pantera once a "hair band" sounds like any other band ripping off Scorpions and old Priest to me.
So what defines this term? I think that could be a topic of discussion.

I've always HATED that term. Genres need to describe the music, which "hair band" does not. Glam is a little better but still, it's always bothered me. While I can't say I've ever been a listener of WASP or Twisted Sister, I do have to agree that both of them didn't have much in common with these other bands they were lumped with.
I actually loved it so much that I bought both the UK & US versions before the days of downloading the extra tracks.

Breathe is fantastic.

What he said, every part.

I'll be in the minority stating that Inside The Electric Circus is one of my favorites by them. The Headless Children, Last Command, their debut.. all classic in my book.

:devil:Scream Until You Like It:hotjump:
Inside the Electric Circus
and dont forget the animal(f@*k like a beast )ep!
I really wish I could get into WASP.

I'm just one of those people where the music looses something when you find out that they are complete-fucking-total-ass-holes.
I really wish I could get into WASP.

I'm just one of those people where the music looses something when you find out that they are complete-fucking-total-ass-holes.


There's this up and coming band that does some pretty rad take of G.R.R. Martin tales. I'd TOTALLY get into them if they didn't have this big armed, long haired guitarist who is a total...

Oh, waitaminnit.

Hope you guys get some cool inspiration off the new book... but only after I've read all 1,000+ pages, okay?
Hm, buddy of mine has been their guitar tech for a couple of tours and he has nothing but good things to say.


There's this up and coming band that does some pretty rad take of G.R.R. Martin tales. I'd TOTALLY get into them if they didn't have this big armed, long haired guitarist who is a total...

Oh, waitaminnit.

Hope you guys get some cool inspiration off the new book... but only after I've read all 1,000+ pages, okay?

y'all have NO clue the shit Blackie and his TM have put me through one night. haha

im sure if you are part of the crew they would be nice to you. but forget when you have shitty pre-sales and depend on 4 smaller bands to save the show. it doesn't help that the only live thing played that night was the drummer either.

Ill elaborate if you want, but there really is no need. I am young, I dont know a lick about the band besides listening to a few (good) cuts, but when you get treated a certain way it leaves a very very bitter taste in your mouth. Id rather not listen to it because it brings back the taste.
Hope you guys get some cool inspiration off the new book... but only after I've read all 1,000+ pages, okay?

haha and off the topic, YES there will be a GRRM inspired trilogy in the new album but its all from the first book still. you could write several albums off of that one book alone! we will start branching into the other books on the #4 album, maybe even one or two more for this one... who knows.... :)
Ah, Wasp, here are the essentials (in order):

Crimson Idol
Headless Children
Last Command

after these go where you please. Do NOT lump them in with hair metal (yes, I know, easy to do, I was there!) but they really are downright dirty, mean metal...think Motorhead, a band that lives "outside the box"...
Blackie and WASP army are one of the few bands that have not lost their way over the years in my opinion. While Blackie has strayed from the middle of the road on a an album or two ( KFD & Helldorado ) they pretty much stay true to thier form and if you like THC, then you should be safe in checking out some of the other albums......

Crimson Idol...... WASP Landmark and masterpiece. "The Great Misconceptions of Me".....! Epic brilliance.
Babylon........ After these years, still great metal. Check out "Crazy" and "Seas of Fire"
Neon God #1........ "XTC Riders"....it doesn't get any better?
Dying for the World.... Great metal with reflection of 9-11 tragedy. Check out "My Wicked Heart" & "Revengeance".
Inside Electric Circus..... Great WASP of 80's-ish influence. Check out "Restless Gypsy", "Sweet Cheetah" & "Easy living" ..
Unholy Terror........ "Raven Heart"...My fav WASP song ever! end of story.
I really like W.A.S.P., but I don't really put the Crimson Idol on the pedestal that most fans do. With that said, I mostly enjoy their "hair metal" era stuff the most. This is probably my favorite track if this tells you anything! :lol:

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So, ever since I created this thread, I've become a fairly big WASP fan. The Headless Children is still getting good rotation but I've also enjoyed listening to The Last Command, s/t, Inside the Electric Circus, and The Crimson Idol. Thanks for all your help with that one.

The real reason for the thread bump, though, is that I saw this on their facebook page.....
"On September 21st 2012 W.A.S.P. will begin the “30 Years of Thunder” anniversary Tour starting in the United Kingdom and continuing worldwide!!

This World Tour will be the biggest spectacle W.A.S.P. have ever created. The two hour show will consist of three parts. A one hour set contain songs from the first four albums. The second set will be a 25 minute shortened version of “The Crimson Idol” complete with the movie accompaniment. A third set will consist of material from the New Studio Album, older material and everything in between. This show will see multiple video screens, pyrotechnics, and elements from the early W.A.S.P. shows (maybe even an exploding cod piece) and Blackie’s moving microphone stand “Elvis”!"

Perfect timing to become a fan, eh?
it doesn't help that the only live thing played that night was the drummer either.
Ill elaborate if you want, but there really is no need.

I'd like you to elaborate on this...So, everything but the drums was taped? I've seen the 2008 tour and if it's true, they're good cause the illusion was perfect.
I'd like you to elaborate on this...So, everything but the drums was taped? I've seen the 2008 tour and if it's true, they're good cause the illusion was perfect.

When I walked behind the sound board during the set the only volume sliders that were up were clearly on the drumset. there was a mac book pro with some audio program and tons of tracks flowing into the FOH run by some foreign guy. He clicked start when the songs were started and stop when the stopped.

Also Firestone was locked for their sound check. Not even production from the venue was allowed in.

Blackie did one of those spins that he does a little too soon and there was voice for a split second while he was completely turned around.

Saw it with my own eyes.

Edit: They sounded perfect when I saw them. at least blackie's voice was too close to the records for the facial delivery. You can always tell when someone is lip syncing. Ask any superbowl talent that has sung the national anthem that sounded perfect.