WAAAAAW I'm in a band!

Iced Dragon

Stealer of Dreams
Oct 16, 2001
finally!! and what a band!!
started to form a couple of bands but no drummers, bassplayers, singers...
so I get this email last week, a guy looking for a lead guitarist.
they recorded a demo last month but the leadguitarplayer quit because he didn't get into the spotlights enough...
This must be the best belgian band I've ever heard!really!(not that you guys heard of any...)
Now the band consists of 2 female and 1 male singers, a bassplayer, 2 guitarists, a drummer and a keyboardplayer
(a total of 2 guitarists and a keyboardplayer left. so ther were 3 guitarists and 2 keyboardians originally...)
The band is called Gyllnor, and the other guitarist composes most of the stuff, it'll be a kind of metalopera, really technical and melodic stuff.It's really great! There are some influences but they totally don't sound like within temptation or nightwish or so..
more opeth and stuff.
I really like it (did I mention it yet?)Not exactly what I had in mind but hey...

Next year they'll (or can I say we) tour 1 month through Europe with Paul Di 'Anno...not that I care about this guy but this is the chance of a lifetime!!

thnx fer sharing my enthousiasm!!!
autographs can be pre-ordered now! mail me
I wish you all the best!!!
Let me know if you will play at Biebob or in Holland, we will definately come and take a look!
Good luck with practising!!

xxx Iris xxx
good,good luck.I'd like to start a band,I think it would be a veryinteresting experience,creating music w/other ppl.Famous Amos came over to my house a few days ago(while my hippie mother was at work)at we sort of had a musical brainstorming if you could call it that.I played some random rythems on my drum set(very badly,I might add) and she strummed aounds resembling notes on my mother's electric guitar plugged into an amp...we were bad...but,hey,it's a start,I guess.
I'm starting a band with this drummer I know who has a full scholarship to Berkley. He takes lessons from Stevie Vai's drummer. He is a prog fanatic but I must admit most drummers in prog bands are really good! ( and I like quite a bit of prog myself)
I heard Gyllnor's demo too and it IS really good (and I'm saying this from an objective point of view).
I think of all bands I know, it reminds the most of Therion :)
DND, what the fuck is wrong with jazz???
I'd love to be a decent jazzplayer!
combine the techical playing of shred/prog/neo-classical metal with jazz and you can play whatever you want...(something like fusion I'd say)

Hawk, let me know;)
It's cool that they're giving some attention to music over there at high schools. I only had music in my first two year at high school, and only for two hours a week. And on top of that, the teaching was of a very bad quality too... (Our teacher in the second year got fired a few years later for nearly raping a girl...catholic school :rolleyes: )

Anyway, I wish we could have a better musical education at high school here in Belgium. Instead of that, we have to go to school from 8:30 AM until 4 PM and if we want some musical education we have to do that AFTER school in music academies. And my parents wouldn't let me take this lessons...
And now I still want to take singing lessons but I have little time and it's difficult to find a good teacher that is open minded when it comes to music...:cry:
I just don't like jazz,that's all...the drummers are really good,though.I think there are probobly other places known for having a good jazz background and that's nice that they have something like that to be proud of...it's just that it would be nice if Md.had more local talent than that...because there's little to none of anything from here.