Wacken Carnage samples

Lol, I thought you meant that they had samples of the Videos! But anyways...as I thought...NMF songs with mike OWN!!!!!!!!

I thought that first too, but not seeing the actual performance and imagining what everything wold look like while listening to the audio samples makes me want to have the dvd much more
I'm just really hoping they didn't remove Mike's talking in between songs, some funny shit, plus my signature!
From the samples, Mikael did a great job, although his range limits his version of the NMF songs. But it still sounds pretty damn good.

Overall though I think some of the samples were pretty sloppy both instrumentally and vocal-wise:S. Is it just me or does anyone else notice this? Not many of the songs really sound tight to me considering the caliber of the musicians. Maybe it's just the samples or the mix, but a lot of what I hear isn't quite doing it for me. However I'll wait until I get to see the DVD to judge it 100%. The visual show might piece it together, after all it's a pretty kickass line-up/concert. May of helped to be there too.