WACKEN Live Stream

Not even sure who all is playing this year.
AF were on when I clicked and watched the whole thing.
I didn't expect them to still be THAT good live.

I noticed Pretty Maids and Amorphis were also there.
No idea who else.
Deep Purple and Alice Cooper are there this year, buddy of mine from work is at Wacken this year now. I went back in 2008 when Avantasia and Iron Maiden were headlining. Saw some really awesome sets by Kreator, Mercenary, Negura Bunget, Ensiferum, Primordial, Cynic, Airbourne and such. Was a really fun time and it's worth experiencing the world's largest metal-fest in person at least once, but I don't think I'd go back at this point.

I remember watching Saxon on the live stream last year and being glued to my chair for their entire set, fuck are they ever good live
Really? Not Candlemass? I'm actually frustrated right now because they're playing at the same time as stupid Devildriver and can't find a stream of Candlemass.

I had no idea they were even playing.

I'd rather go to Hellfest TBH. Really stupid lineup ranging from Lynyrd Skynyrd and Korn to Darkspace and Asphyx.
Jesus that lineup. I'd go just for Blasphemy TBH, but then you throw in Pagan Altar, Bolzer, and others and you got a sick fest. Too bad I won't have any fucking money for a plane ticket.
Candlemass desperately needs a new vocalist.

No, they desperately need to hang it up. I know people complained that Lowe couldn't remember lyrics but at least he sounded good. They really shouldn't have gotten rid of him unless they got a decent replacement. I know Leif doesn't want him back, but honestly they should either bring Messiah back or just call it quits once and for all.
Recent albums have proved that the band can still write good material.
Does anyone know? Are they writing / Recording with Mats?

Leif said the last one was the last one though. Unless he says otherwise, I doubt there will be any more. Plus I read somewhere he's part of a new band now.

Thing is I like Mats, but I don't think he fits Candlemass.