Wacken Meet+Drink!+Greet Infos

As I wrote in the Wacken-Thread i will try to set up a Meet+Greet and here are the first infos. I suggest to meet on Saturday,18.05h, that enlarges the chance of more band members joining with a beer.Or two.
Please check the map and have a look for #27, Metal Hammer - I think they will have an old school bus, so it will be easy to find - even when you are already drunk.
I cannot promise you the whole band, I will try to bring as many members as possible - backstage orgies, you know...


plus first meeting without bandmembers:
thursday evening at the beergarden, after motörhead, around ??pm

Well I try to be there, depends on my physical not to mention mental state ! lol
..and does any one of you know the band will be still there..

I mean they play Friday night !..perhaps they are already leaving saturday ??
Oh yeah I cannot wait ... we will leave Belgium around 10 am on the 4th and prob get to Wacken by 17-1800 and since there are no bands playing b4 the next day at 1700 we will have plenty of time to meet and greet and meet and greet again with a few beers in between.
I can't be there as well :(
I haven't got my Visa yet, thats why I can't leave the country...
(Belgar had the same problem until 4 weeks ago)
I already had a ticket to Wacken ready and all... but.... I can't :cry:

have fun for me too.
Say hi to the guys from me.
That's crap.

Shit, that reminded me of the fact that I don't have a valid passport! Bleh. Not that I think it's needed, but it's an unnecessary risk to take. One more thing to do :(
aye and a crouded filthy boat it was, we stood shoulder to shoulder, barely able to breathe, then at ellis island, they checked our teeth and deloused us, then sent us off to be cab drivers and make it in this land of opportunity...

btw, is it actually america that isn't letting you out, or the eu that isnt letting you in...frankly it seems screwy either way.