Wacken Setlist


Happy Lil' Devil
Nov 28, 2001
In Nowhere
O.k, for all of you who weren't at Wacken, here's what I still recall of CoB's setlist of that gig (the order is not correct - too much party 'n headbanging):

Silent Nigt, Bodom Night
Bodom after Midnight
Mask of Sanity
Everytime I die
Children of Bodom
Deadnight Warrior
Lake Bodom
Some new Stuff

Drat ! I'm not quite sure about the following songs:

Kissing the shadows (2nd song of set ?)
Downfall (think so)
Towards Dead End (?????)

They played:

Deadnight Warrior
Bodom after Midnight
Mask of Sanity
Everytime I die
Hate Me!
Children of Bodom
Lake Bodom
Needles 24/7
Kissing the shadows
Towards Dead End

I don't know about the order anymore and maybe I forgot some songs... But I know for sure that Needles 24/7 is incredibly kickass! :headbang:
Silent Night, Bodom Night was the opener. Hate Me was the second song and I think that Needles 24/7 was the third song.
The new song was fucking awesome. It was really fast and heavy and with some interesting electronic keyboard stuff.
The coolest thing about the gig was the melodies Janne played between the songs... they were really nice...
And once Janne was playing one of those melodies, Alexi walked by, grinning and waving his pointer the way you'd do to a disobedient little boy... that was really cool IMO :)
The gig was awesome!!! :hotjump:

I was in the second row and my neck is still aching :)
I want to say a biiiig thanx to the 2 finnish guys who made it possible for us (a friend and me) 2 metal chicks to stand in the second row :D
I just want to thank all the cool guys in the crowd who were so rowdy but "fair", thrashing, headbanging, picking up the people who stumbled (including me), making this show really fun. It was one of the wildest crowds I've experienced over the last three years at Wacken. Cheers !:D :)
wow! I wish I had been there :( Needles 24/7 sounds like a sucky name IMO but if the song was good then what the hell :)
yeah Needles 24/7.....meh. But dont get me wrong, I need to hear that song! Its new material for fucks sake haha. Good solo by Alexi I would assume?
Then the new song is not like "Everytime I Die"?

Oh God, I can´t wait to hear it!!! It´s sure that somebody has recorded the show on video, so I hope to get it really soon.
for I know only hatebreeder I was very pleased to hear a good lot of songs from this ass-kicking album!!
great band and great gig there!!