wah wah's?


Dec 19, 2001
Louisville KY
I've been using my other guitar players Morley Bad Horsie Wah pedal & this fucker really kicks Ass! Its makes playing "For The Love Of God" sound like the original Vai version (well duh it has his name on it)! I'm definitly considering buying one for my self but I'm also curious about the VOX wah! I know Kirk Hammet uses a Vox Wah & I like his sound alot as well! Is anyone familar with that pedal? How do the 2 compare? Any other recommendations?
BY the way does anyone know what kind of Wah pedal the Arch Enemy guitar players use? Maybe I should ask them on their message board!
What about Slash?

Assisting Sorrow
Check out the music
I like vox wah's and have relied on them for years, if you can, seek out the limited edition ones they do and compare to the normal version, I got myself a silver one and I believe they have an extended range for more wahness and sound fantastic.

Also the dimebag darrel one coming out looks interesting, but I forget who makes it :)

I am not a fan of morley pedals though, used to have one but never really clicked and when i got the vox it got sold.
That dimebag Wah is made by Dunlop! Its supposedly a pretty Kick Ass pedal! Very expensive!
I like the Steve Vai Badhorsie alot! I just recently checked out the Badhorsie 2 which is also really nice! Its like 2 wahs in one!