wait, what happened this morning?


Aug 2, 2002
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- the DA’s office called me today. The judge that was handling the case where like, that guy groped me on the subway was taking forever to make a decision. Supposedly he’s backed up. Well, I think he’s old and crappy. They gave the pervert probation. - I had a coughing fit on the subway today and had to get off. Then I got back on and had some guys hairy back rubbing against my bare arm for 15 minutes. - I just looked in my checking account and I have $150. my rent is due tomorrow. - TGIM GUYS
i woke up this morning like 'hey! today is okay!' and then i got shot down by this plethora of world crappiness.
i should hang out at the bowling green train station with my stun gun.
i actually think the repeat sex offender getting minor probation is pretty bad. considering now i will probably not take the 4/5 train ever again without breaking into a cold sweat and crying.
i need all the help i can get. i rode the train to work this morning eyeballing every semi-bald 40+ male on the train with absolute paranoia.
in a related story, i was on my way to see 28 days later on a packed T full of people headed to the Red Sox game. this cute girl with a UK accent was sitting right in front of where i was standing, and behind her was a portly bald middle-aged guy and his middle-aged wife.

the guy kept saying things like "you're sure going to enjoy the game!" and "don't worry, i'll tell you where to get off!" and "next stop! comin' up soon!" and finally "this is it! have fun!", and the girl would respond politely and monosyllabically, and every time the guy heartily said something, his wife would look away out the window and shake her head in a barely perceptible manner. she must have been totally humiliated.
when i went to the gay pride parade on sunday this woman kept loudly exclaiming "WHY ARENT YA MARCHIN???' and i'm like 'not... gay' and she kept grilling people and finally gave me a hearty slap on the back and i was like... later...
the best is when you're hugely sunburned and some hearty shmo gets in a back-slapping frenzy and then doesn't even notice your popped-out eyes and between-the-teeth hiss of pain.

is a pat on the back 'hearty'? i mean, maybe that's what it is. all those vibrant people out there are into that sort of thing. i'm a little too listless for it i think.