wait, what happened this morning?

i forgot to mention the one GOOD thing that happened this weekend. the STINKY CAT moved. at least for the time being, to another apartment. the house smells ten times better and i havent stepped in vomit and/or been assaulted by a cat in days. i felt awful breaking it down for my roommate. i reallllllly did. but it had to be done. i called animal control (someone reported us for the cat noise) and they said if there were signs of negligence they'd take all the animals out of the house. i was like BYE CAT, SEE YA! DONT LET THE DOOR HIT YA ON THE WAY OUT!!!! because ya know, when fredo get's threatened, things get done. fast.
p.s. 'smell you later' is the funniest / worst / awesomest thing ever at the same time.

the really sad part is, even my roommate admitted i went totally out of my way for the cat. i build a gate so she could go around the apartment and not be scared of fred! (A wood gate, with hinges, etc... i mean, like i used a saw and everything guys...) and i got her food and treats all the time and got her a bed and toys... and HISSSSSSYOWWWWWLLLLLSCRATCHHHHH nonetheless.