What the fuck is the world comin' to?

things just aren't the same anymore. only time I've had a gun pulled around me was when the cops did it. and we weren't doing anything either besides making a movie for high school. but since then, had a drive by shooting in front of my house in wally world, at a friend's place another shooting out on the street. but mostly have avoided areas like that. there's areas I know not to go into at night in portland, and I don't.

Glad to hear you're okay physically. You'll get through it mentally, drink it off.
Greg, sorry this happened to ya, I hope no one else here has to deal with that kind of thing again. Something has to be done about these punks with no conscience whatsoever walking around with guns, thinking that a weapon makes them something special.
Glad you're physically cool, dude. I got robbed and pistol whipped by four guys 14 years ago(lucky to still have my left eye) and it came out of my pocket b/c the state government didn't recognize me as a Victim of Crime b/c I had been drinking. WTF still!!
Well... Im somewhat new to posting here..dont really know anybody other than reading your posts... But I will say that Im glad you didnt get hurt... Fuckin stupid uneducated assholes... but some jackass will try to defend him saying that he too is a victim.. a victim of a poor upbringing and poverty...obviously the world owes this asshole something... just another reminder to enjoy every minute you have, coz some punk asshole can take it away in a blink of an eye!
mickel442 said:
Well... Im somewhat new to posting here..dont really know anybody other than reading your posts... But I will say that Im glad you didnt get hurt... Fuckin stupid uneducated assholes... but some jackass will try to defend him saying that he too is a victim.. a victim of a poor upbringing and poverty...obviously the world owes this asshole something... just another reminder to enjoy every minute you have, coz some punk asshole can take it away in a blink of an eye!

I agree. There are FAR too many assholes out there that think the world owes them something. They are the exact same people who never take responsibility for their own actions. People like that piss me off to no end!! BTW, welcome to the board :kickass:
glad to hear you're allright. Shit is getting out of hand. Seriously, you can't even tell a guy that he hit your car without him getting all jacked up about it. Jesus Christ, the guy hits you and then has the balls to pull a gun. Unreal. Again, I'm glad you're all right.
GregadetH said:
BTW, the car he was in was reported stolen last night.

Wow, who would've thunk it!

I am not joking when I say people should have licenses to be parents. Unbelieveable the amount of savage animals that roam the streets these days. I can say with 100% certainty the beast that pulled the gun on you will never be a productive member of society, yet he'll end up getting a slap on the wrist and will probably do something worse in the future.
GregadetH said:
They caught him today.

He, of course denies it was him.

BTW, the car he was in was reported stolen last night.

great they catch the guy red handed and he denies it, Dont be to suprised if he gets away scott free( I could tell you about a differnt incident) one of my best freinds was shot, the bullet bounced off the hood, through the windshield and stopped on his tongue after going through cartalage between his nose and lip, after five years the guy that did the shooting kept changing lawyers, it ends Th Judge ,dropped the charges stating that it was racist hate crime ( some vato mother fucker hits our car, chasing him down for his liscense plate nummber at least so we can at least file hit and run) The guy had enough time to get off the highway, in the middle of down town dallas ,fishtail it around a corner to be standing , aimed and fire 2 shots) one was in the radiator and well the second one is the one that hit him, he didnt die... So the case is dismissed by black judge, there was no racial initiative, he hit and ran,
Now here is "IRONY AT WORK" obviously the justice system failed, A friend of mine who grew up in an area that was slammed with gang activity, still had a few freinds and favors.. a week later Chad and his wife are in Cici's pizza, Lo and behold the guy cutting the pizza is the shooter, Chad made one call, The guy left work and hasnt been seen in the dallas area since...

Pardon me I REALLY WANT TO RANT A BIT AND GET IT OUT... I may post more of the feeling later

I just hope your case goes better then his did, or at least something is done, and if nothing is, well You can always roll him yourself and sodomize him with his own gun ( I prefer a bat really), and if you leave him his gun make sure he cant shoot at you as youwalk away ( Gee I kinda have a bit of an eminem temper) hope you guys didnt mind
GregadetH said:
I went to subway for a sammich and wound up gettin' a gun pulled on me by sum thugged out "g" in a pontiac g6.

He was pulling out of his space and he hit my front fender. I opened the door and said "Hey dude, you just hit my car." He pulls a glock.

After staring down the barrell of this god damned gun for what seemed like eternity I dove back into my car. He sped off.

The cops show and get his tag(camera), credit card #(register tape) and face (Camera)from the convenience store he just had left. This dude is royally fucked.

This subway is located within 100 yards of a school and a post office.

Can you say "federal charges" anyone?

I'm so goddamned mad, I could eat fried chicken.

Glad to still be among the living,
Greg - I hear you after the Motorhead at the Anaheim HOB a couple weeks back - My wife and I went to the taxi line and when it came to our turn 4 kids ( 3 dudes 1 chick) tried to get our cab - I ran over drunk as hell saying something about a line of about 50 to 60 people and got sucker punched by one of them - my wife and and one of his friends got him off before I could pull him down and throw punches back - he hit my wife too. pride hurt more than anything. once I was down I was punched in the arm woo hoo.

right in the lovely OC - fuck the security there - they tried to bust my balls and give my wife shit.

Secutiy to me are - you drunk?

Me to them - Yes **my thoughts were hey moron I was waiting for a cab**

Security to my wife - you gotta calm down

my wife to Security - why were'nt you doing your job.

I guess I shouldn't be brave after to shots of bourbon and a case of beer :D

What really pissed me off was nobody else in line spoke up and said hey you little shits there's a fucking line.

BTW - the little bitch pushed my wife in the back and got thrown down on her ass. God my wife :headbang: