What the fuck is the world comin' to?

The way I figure it

Shit is going down hill for a long time , had one pulled on me in class in 7th grade ( whoa...like way back in the 80's) it was the first but not the last...Hell I have been shot at just for walking home from work( in 95) gangsta initiations ( dumb ass punks really) heres the funny thing I didnt realize I had been shot at untill 2 nites later walking home again.I worked at pizza inn at the time ( a red shirt is there uniform) when I hear what I thought was a backfire, and less then a split second later ,the bullet missed my nose by an inch, into the wooden fence I looked up and it was the same car from the nite before, speeding away in the distance ( I am walking in the middle of no where with 2 miles to go) My sister witnessed some one else shoot some one on her couch, the guy then turns the gun pulls the trigger six times ....It was Jammed ( thank god for that) :OMG:

I can relate guy, its why I want a hummer the year they where first issued to the military, and I will find a bazooka that works if it kills me
aliasp said:
Greg - just glad you weren't hurt man. To look down the barrel of a gun must've been terrifying. Anyway man try not to dwell on it coz it can really mess with ya head.

Take care man. The system has failed but have faith that there is still good out there.

When the system has failed, we become the anarchists, our anger, our fury
and according to the times is it really a crime for public decapitations...I bet you all the cash in my wallet ...The funniest was one time a guy cut my friend off on the road( im riding shot gun) and chases him down, at the next light, we are on his ass, the guy gets out ,shows his gun, "Is there a problem?" chad says "No no problem" the guy arogent turns around back to his car, ( me out of earshot to Chad) No not now that your a speed bump ( and we could have run his dumb ass over, one less idiot in the world thug with drugs or whatever and the cops probably wouldnt have given a shit ( well in my own head anyways....I should really be a cartoonist :Smokedev:
I dont know ... you know what I learned though in all honesty
any crash ( or life instance you can walk away from) cant be that bad
certainly could have been worse,( not meaning to sound unsimpathetic)
Go have a beer with your bro's pop the stereo on,crank the knob to uh uh uh eleven, throw some meat on the grill stay home and party there
That's a screwed up situation - good to hear you are ok from it all.

You are right, makes you think twice about getting into a good old fashion fist fight, you have no idea if the other person is going to pull a gun on you.....

Pub brawls will never be the same :( ..................
Jesus that makes me wonder how safe my job is, i close nights at a movie theater, on saturday nights a good 60% of the people there are the, dont take this the wrong way but its the only way to describe it, real ghetto ass black people. Thankfully over the years my agressive attitude has turned more passive, so my chances are less but still what if i say your not getting a refill because you dont have the large tub/cup.

Glad to hear your unscathed, you rip into millano, to good to be lost to something stupid like that.

ironically the album playing...
emtfhII said:
This world is getting a little too fucked up.

Aint that the fuckin' truth.

I called out to work just a minute ago.... I havent been able to sleep, it feels like theres a ton o' bricks on my chest and my arms are numb. I'm tryin' not to stress it, but it's hard not thinkin' about how close I came to death...

Maybe I'll pass out from exhaustion later.
this fuckin sucks, I was mugged out in the street once and the asshole told me not to make any problems coz he has a gun, he didn´t pull it out so I didn´ t believe him but still I was scared shitless...:yow: :yow:
Glad to hear you are still alive, Greg:wave: While I have no problems with responsible people who have guns and go through all the precautions to make sure they don't fall into the hands of mentally unsound individuals. The sad thing is that they do fall into the wrong hands frequently.

My senior year, I lost a friend who was shot in the head over weed. The motherless cocksucker(thanks for whoever reminded me of that great saying) who did it was this fucking hick G-Boy wannabe who wanted to take over my buddies supposed clientel:confused: THe really fucked thing is my buddy wasn't even some kind of drug kingpin but just a dude that sold so that he could smoke for free. That shit fucked me up for quite a while because I lived a very remote community where that kind of stuff just doesn't happen:erk: as cliches as that sounds.

The only thing that brings a smile to my face over the situation is knowing that he has a severe lisp that I know all the other inmates surely love

This is the corrections link to the prick who did it :mad:

I Really Question if the"Good" is still out there on a daily basis, I Know it is, but I gotta question it. I Live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. A Schitzo walks by my apartment screamin at least once a day, Bums DEMAND money from you, and My Favorite, the Swarmings, What the hell is up with that. Punks, Metalheads and hippies all used to gather together in front of the library in peace. Now you are lucky if you can walk by at all without incident.

It's really dangerous to walk about at night too, Roving gangs of angry NHL Fans with Hockey sticks!! Haha, Seriously guys, play safe, Keep yourself alive!!
Beast is gonna have a lot to think about until he turns 76..... the system doesn't fail all of the time, it got this guy. I know, many are not caught. I question a system where an old man who knows only anal rapings and good shank hiding methods is expected to be reformed. I'm not proposing any solutions, just questioning.
johnnieCzech said:
this fuckin sucks, I was mugged out in the street once and the asshole told me not to make any problems coz he has a gun, he didn´t pull it out so I didn´ t believe him but still I was scared shitless...:yow: :yow:

You should have been a man about it and fought him.